I am just finishing CT’s Black Book of training secrets. So far, I think its one of the best books I’ve bought all year. Its really good for me as I still classify myself as a beginner (of sorts). There’s so much that I’ve learned from it.
Is there any books you would suggest as a follow up to this one? Perhaps something going in a similar direction or a must read?
I’m not real interested in psychology or art of “yin/yang” books. Just training gem books. Is there anything that, if you hadnt read, would have severely affected your training today? That’s the kind of book I’m thinking…
Speaking of Arnold, about a week ago I picked up my copy of Education of a Bodybuilder and looked over it again. The advice he gives in that book is more or less spot-on. Much better book than his encyclopedia, I think.
Thanks. And the archives…yeah I can bet. I’ve been reading for quite a while now. Perhaps close to two years. I think I’m just beginning to make sense for it all, and especially how it applies to me individually.
Heck I’m just happy to have been able to do 6 pullups this year. I never imagined I would have gotten to be able to do that. All thanks to T-Nation.