Moms! Wtf?

I talked to my mom last night. At the end of our coversation, she said, “I love you.” My initial reaction was, “wtf! Why say something like this?” Why do parents feel the need to tell their kids they love them. I’m sure she’s just saying that to feign politeness. So, I got to thinking about other stupid things that people do under the guise of caring for other humans. Abominations like hugging, holding hands and saying nice things at random times. If anyone disagrees with this, please, please let your stupid thoughts be known on here.


The other day I was driving along behind this asshole who slowed down because some old lady was crossing the street up ahead. What a dumbass! Surely that guy realize that the old lady takes up precious resources like oxygen and stuff, and the sooner she dies the better off we all are.

Hasn’t everybody read Ayn Rand ? Well, I haven’t, but I know if Ayn was crossing the street and saw me coming, she’d want me to run her baggy old ass over. In fact, she’d probably call me a pussy if I didn’t, and rightly so.

God. things that people do that do not affect me in the slightest BUG ME SO MUCH! how can they hold an opinion that is different than mine? I mean, I know they are people too, but they should all adhere to MY ideas of what is stupid or not stupid!!!

People who don’t laugh at someone when they fall down. I mean really, the nerve!

[quote]christine wrote:
People who don’t laugh at someone when they fall down. I mean really, the nerve![/quote]

Especially if they’re hurt. If they’re not in pain, who gives a shit? It doesn’t even count.

What a bitch.

I was brought up usually not saying i love you to my my parents or brothers. My mom does the same thing, after a conversation with me, she’ll end of with i love you. I’ll reply ok mom, talk to you later. She knows I share the same feeling towards her even though I don’t say it back to her.

I even think she has a habit of saying i love you when she ends a conversation because I’ve heard her say to people that she is not that close to.

So I was at my local watering hole last Sunday afternoon. This old guy comes in all depressed cuz he recently lost his wife AND had a stroke. He says he’s going to throw himself in front of a truck. My buddy and I talk him down for about a half hour and think we’re making progress. Suddenly he gets up and zips out of the place so I go running after him. Sure enough, he goes right into the middle of Main Street making me chase him down while blocking traffic until the cops and an ambulance arrive.

What WAS I thinking??? No more random acts of kindness for me!

Thanks for setting me straight DB.

[quote]Kruiser wrote:
So I was at my local watering hole last Sunday afternoon. This old guy comes in all depressed cuz he recently lost his wife AND had a stroke. He says he’s going to throw himself in front of a truck. My buddy and I talk him down for about a half hour and think we’re making progress. Suddenly he gets up and zips out of the place so I go running after him. Sure enough, he goes right into the middle of Main Street making me chase him down while blocking traffic until the cops and an ambulance arrive.

What WAS I thinking??? No more random acts of kindness for me!

Thanks for setting me straight DB.[/quote]

Next time you should just record it and post it on youtube.

[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:
What a bitch.[/quote]

Are you talking to me? If so, I prefer cunt. Bitch just reeks of fake manners.

[quote]christine wrote:
Zap Branigan wrote:
What a bitch.

Are you talking to me? If so, I prefer cunt. Bitch just reeks of fake manners.[/quote]

I was talking about DB’s mom but you can be a bit of a bitch too. Bless you.

I say it to each of my parents before I hang up the phone. So what’s the big deal?

Oh, I see. It makes you feel all squishy, doesn’t it?

My fucking kids are always telling me I’m the best daddy in the world and getting me these gay-ass World’s Best Dad coffee mugs and shee-it…pisses me the fuck off…there’s lots of dads better than me out there and my fucking kids know it…I hope they’re happy with their feigned politeness when I’m spending all their inheritance on hookers, booze and blow.

[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:
christine wrote:
Zap Branigan wrote:
What a bitch.

Are you talking to me? If so, I prefer cunt. Bitch just reeks of fake manners.

I was talking about DB’s mom but you can be a bit of a bitch too. Bless you.[/quote]

Thanks, that’s why I got confused I hear it all the time.

[quote]sen say wrote:
My fucking kids …I hope they’re happy with their feigned politeness when I’m spending all their inheritance on hookers, booze and blow.[/quote]

Take the hooker’s kids to Disney Land, and take pictures…
that’ll REALLY get 'em!

[quote]Love2Lift wrote:
I say it to each of my parents before I hang up the phone. So what’s the big deal?

Oh, I see. It makes you feel all squishy, doesn’t it? [/quote]

You’re not all that bright, are you?

This thread confuses and scares me a little. I think I should go find someone to hug and then kick them in the nuts.

First we have the “Why do we say ‘Bless You’” thread… And now we have someone complaining that their mother says “I love you” when you is ending a conversation?

I sincerely hope this was a troll job of the highest order.

[quote]dday wrote:
This thread confuses and scares me a little. I think I should go find someone to hug and then kick them in the nuts.[/quote]

Nah. Kick them in the nuts first. If they still let you hug them… You’ve got a true friend. 8^)

[quote]christine wrote:
Kruiser wrote:
So I was at my local watering hole last Sunday afternoon. This old guy comes in all depressed cuz he recently lost his wife AND had a stroke. He says he’s going to throw himself in front of a truck. My buddy and I talk him down for about a half hour and think we’re making progress. Suddenly he gets up and zips out of the place so I go running after him. Sure enough, he goes right into the middle of Main Street making me chase him down while blocking traffic until the cops and an ambulance arrive.

What WAS I thinking??? No more random acts of kindness for me!

Thanks for setting me straight DB.

Next time you should just record it and post it on youtube. [/quote]

What?!? I don’t want my idiocy preserved for posterity!