Hello Dr. Darden, Greetings from India.
I have been trying out some of your HIT principles and have gotten really good results recently after being stuck on a plateau for more than a year.
I have put together a training routine of my own and would like to know your opinion on it.
I shall be trying out this routine from next week and shall train every 2 days i.e Monday, Thursday, Sunday and so on for a total of 6 weeks on this.
Do let me know what you think.
The Routine:
- Dumbbell Frenchpress
One set to Failure + 8 Negatives - Barbell curl
One set to Failure + 8 Negatives - Hammer Curl
One set to Failure + 8 Negatives - Standing Overhead Press
One set to Failure + 8 Negatives - Chin Ups
One set to Failure + 8 Negatives - Dips
One set to Failure + 8 Negatives - Romanian Deadlifts
One set to Failure only ( No Negatives) - Zercher Squats
One set to Failure + 8 Negatives
The reason for not including any Cable work and swapping Zercher’s for normal Squats are that I shall be training at home and I am restricted to 80kilos of free weights and adjustable dumbbells with no Cable station.