Collectively bringing together some sources to give some ideas how to structure a program and/or exercises for combat athletes.
Video showcasing Jake Bonacci, strength and conditioning coach from Randy Couture’s Xtreme Couture Gym in Vegas.
- Focus on the fighter’s weaknesses / what they want to improve on.
- The importance of Olympic, multi-joint, whole body lifting.
- A combination of strength + power + endurance.
- Upper body & lower body days
- Start with an Olympic lift. Follow with a focus/accessory
exercise. - Finish off with a muscular endurance upper+lower circuit with 3-4 exercises x 3- 4 rounds, 1 min rest eg. pull-up x 10, split squat x 10, plyometric push-ups x 10
Another example is Georges St. Pierre & Denis Kang’s training from their trainer Jonathon Chaimberg.
- Combining a strength exercise with a an explosive movement for power & endurance.
- Tempo: Explode up, control down.
- Strength - A1) Weighted chin ups x 3 + A2) Med ball slams x 6, B1) DB Bench Press x 3 + B2) Med ball pass x 8, 44+" hurdle jumps x 6, TRX inverted rows (vest & feet elevated) x 6, Rope pulls, Landmine Twists, Slide board Adduction
- DB One-leg box squats/pistols, TRX/Ring inverted rows, rope climbs, DB Snatch, DB jump squats
- Weighted pull-ups x 5, Med Ball slams x 8, Olympic bar(s) punch x 20, Side bridges (feet on bench) 5 sec hold x 5, DB lunges x 16 (8 @side), plyometric box alternating push-off (jumps) x 8
- Conditioning - Airdyne, TRX pull ups x 6, Med ball slams x 8, Med ball throw + burpee/sprawl x 6, shadow boxing, rope pulls, spot run + sprawl + jump x 6, Two ladder drills x 2, plyometric push-ups x 8, Airdyne
ADRENALINE PERFORMANCE circuit - “this circuits goal is to be done in 5 minutes to simulate a rd.and can be performed up to 3 times.Beginners just try to complete it without stopping.and add another rd every week or 2”
30 seconds treadmill speed 10mph 15 incline(change speed not incline if its too hard
8 trx inverted rows feet up
8 12lbs medball slams
12 jumping lunges
30 seconds airdyne,or jacobs ladder all out
8 burpees
4 ladder drills for some active rest(or mini hurdle drills----I’ll post some ladder drills at
10 kettlebell swings
60 elastic punches
60 elastic pummels(like 1 arm row uppercuts)
finish where you started with 20 seconds on treadmill or bike,or ladder:)
Videos Posted by ADRENALINE PERFORMANCE (sneak peak into DVD):
Exercises: Hurdle jumps, Open-ups (Gray Cook’s primitive patterns), TRX pull-ups (heels elevated), anti-rotary 10 sec. holds (straight arms, stabilize), DB single leg squats/pistols off box(drive off heel), box jumps (from sitting), slide board, rope pulls, hurdles + box, DB single leg deadlift (alternative = counter-balance with one kettlebell
Excerpts from Fitness RX’s interview with GSP:
- Med ball push ups, seated cyclone/tornado ball, side bridge, lymphatic drainage massage
Joe DeFranco’s take on strength & flexibility exercises for fighters:
Day 1
A1. 14-inch barbell bench press with chains
A2. Heavy bag straight punches
B1. Chest supported rows or bent-over dumbbell rows
B2. Seated external rotation, elbow on knee
C. Reverse hyperextensions, four sets of ten reps
Day 2
A. Power snatch OR Box squats with bands (parallel)
B. Barbell reverse lunges
C. Incline, weighted glute-ham raises
D. Standing cable external rotation, elbow at side
DE Lower Body Movement (Jump variation)
ME Upper Body movement
Posterior chain lower body movement
DB press variation
Lat/Upper back superset
Ab circuit (high reps)
ME Lower Body Movement
Rep Upper Body movement (chin-up or push-up variation)
Unilateral lower body movement
Shrug variation super-setted with rear delt movement
Grip training
Weighted abdominals
Training for Warriors with Martin Rooney (video library):
“Strength Training For Mixed Martial Arts” by Jason Ferruggia (May 2008)
Day 1
- Hang Clean- 5 x 3 x 90 seconds rest
- Squat- 4 x 3 x 120 seconds rest
3A) Chin Up - 2 x 8-10 x 90 seconds rest
3B) Blast Strap or Chain Suspended Pushup- 2 x a.m.a.p. x 90 seconds rest - Dumbbell Windmill- 2 x 10-12 x 60 seconds rest
Day 2
- Jump Squat- 5 x 6 x 90 seconds rest
2A) 1 Arm Incline Dumbbell Press- 4 x 3 x 90 seconds rest
2B) 1 Arm Dumbbell Row- 3 x 6-8 x 90 seconds rest - Sandbag Shouldering- 2 x 10-12 x 90 seconds rest
- Inchworm- 2 x a.m.a.p. x 90 seconds rest
Day 3
- 1 Arm Overhead Kettlebell Throw- 6(per side) x 1 x 30 seconds rest (between throws)
- Fat Bar Pullup- 4 x 3 x 90 seconds rest
3A) Resisted Pushup- 3 x 8-10 x 90 seconds rest
3B) Sandbag Zercher Squat - 2 x a.m.a.p. in 60 seconds x 90 seconds rest - Sledgehammer Swing- 2 x 12-15 x 60
UFC fighter Houston Alexander Workout
Dewey Nielsen’s “Impact Performance Training Blog”
“Common Mistakes of a Mixed Martial Artist” (From a strength and conditioning perspective) by Dewey Nielsen