mixing creatine


You may just not be a responder to plain old creatine, which can help explain why you got nothing out of the powders.

However, dumping your money into products in which the companies are being sued by several different states for not having any creatine in there is not a smart move. You’re basically helping them pay their lawyer fees.

There are many other creatine products that work for non-responders. Do your homework.

why is this even a discussion look in the back issues for god sakes you lazy bastards. its not like creatine is new.
i recommend Kaizen creatine transport formula. Easily the best i have used. otherwise surge and creatine is great too.
serum… hehehehe

Everyone knows the serums are for women only because they will not make you big and bulky like the powders. Fuckin’ joke! I can’t believe these companies actually get away with saying things like that and then you get guys who insist on using the stuff even after being told of scientific evidence the stuff is shit. Why bother asking on the forum if you’re not going to take our advice? You were given a unanimous answer and yet you are basically telling us to mind our own business 'cause you’re going to go ahead and do your own thing. What the fuck?-Don’t waste our time!

…ah what Loopy said…

“”"After 5 years of using, I just dump a 5g scoop directly in my mouth and then drink water. That way you don’t waste any sticking to the glass.

If you can’t stand a little sand in the mouth, well, can’t help you. It’s about taking creatine, not creating a enjoyable culinary experience.

Oh, actually I can help the sandophobics: sometimes I pour the scoop into my outmeal and mix it in.“”"



if your not responding to creatine and willing to shell out that much cash, try san v12. at least that has been getting some good word in so far.

Hot or cold, it’s your choice. I’ll live with the cold stuff, because in summer after an hour of leg-press and dead-lifts you ain’t gonna be in the mood for anything hot.

I have a question. Does anyone use Ribose with creatine? It seemed to be all the rage, massive improvements with ribose, great synergistic whatever. Biotest even made it for awhile till they felt it was too common market stuff (so why make a EFA?). Does it pan out? Does it improve performance plus creatine like so many ads used to say?

I did a bunch of internet “research” on Creatine and one of the unanimous issues was that the syrum is a scam because when you leave Creatine in a liquid form it turns into Creatinine which is worthless but not harmful. This occurs within a few hours so you don’t even want to “pre-mix” your creatine drink, mix it and drink it right away.

I also found that a significant amount of people have absolutly no response to Creatine. None.

I had good results with GNC’s Crea-Drive or something like that. Weight went from 176 to 184 over the 5 day “loading” period. Used regular GNC Creatine for maintenance of 3 weeks. Went off for 6 weeks becuase I was starting to feel mildly ill when taking the creatine, but, might have been because I was taking it in my coffee. Never really noticed significant residue left in any glass, hot or cold.

I just started another loading phase last night, mixing one scoop of powdered Gatoraid and the Creatine in a glass of warm water. Seriously, my weight was up 2lbs to 186 this morning. I have been consisently 183 or 184 every morning for the last month. I wonder how long I can cycle this stuff and get these results (comments appreciated).

When I went in and purchased the Creatine the guy at GNC asked “are you just starting out lifting?” I’ve been lifting off and on since I was 10 so that comment stung a little but, in my office “uniform” I guess you can’t tell much and Creatine is considered a newbie supplement.

I’m enjoying the buzz durring the loading phase. :slight_smile:

Are there any negative side effects to this stuff?


Be nice to bronco.

“Nice guys finish last, but we get to sleep in”

~ Evan Davis

I have a buddy who swears by the serum. Does anybody know where I can find any negative articles on the serum?? I did a google search, but I kept coming accross stores selling the serum. I was not able to find any articles stating that the serum is crap(I do believe that it is crap) and I want to be able to print it off and so him. Thanks.

My advice is try effervescent creatine, thats always worked incredibly well for me. If it doesn’t do anything for you, then stop spending money on creatine! i know bodybuilders who’ve never seen a spec of improvement from the stuff. Everyone’s different. Last comment: Liquid creatine is a bit more expensive, same goes for effervescent, so why not go with the choice that actually has a substantial amount of active fuckin creatine eh?

I thought that it’s been shown that a loading phase does nothing for you.

I’m one of those people who have noticed anything from taking creatine.

OMFG I can’t believe you guys are even having this conversation. This is hilarious. Really.

When I drink the serum I feel like I’m on Deca, myself. How bout you guys? =P


Creatine–addressed by our own John Berardi.

Let’s consider this topic closed. :slight_smile:

i have a friend who’s a certified trainer (yeah yeah don’t go there :wink: and she’s been on the serum for 3yrs now. i broke down and told her last night that the stuff is shit…she said she hadn’t read that anywhere (boggle)…and that she gets a great pump and burst of energy from it.

my guess is it’s the vitamin B and ginseng and all the sugar. that’d give anyone a burst of energy.

i wonder if she even read the ingredients list much less an article on the stuff.


I swish plain EAS Phosphagen with water in my mouth. It’s pretty cheap these days and comes as an incredibly fine powder that looks micronized to me because as soon as you drop it in water it makes a cloud rather than sinking to the bottom like it used to.

I think just swishing in mouth micro creatine mixes it better than a spoon in a glass.


Merlin why can’t you believe we’re having this conversation? Is it so rediculous that it makes your ass sting? How about some positive input? Not all of us are educated or sophisticated or know much of anything about supplements. How about enlightening us instead of ripping on us? C’mon, grant us a brief glimpse into that brilliant and genius mind of yours, pretty please?

I read all of the articles and forum threads that came up with a search for “creatine” as well as some other articles on other websites. Please help, we’re in deep need of your advice, SAVE US YOUR HIGHNESS!

I have to agree with Colin Cancer. The liquid creatine I saw had at most .2 grams of creatine in it. A far cry from the 5 grams in a serving of powder.

i mix mine(5g powder)in a scoop of powder gatorade and a Liter of water for the workout. gatorade has sucrose and dextrose as main ingredients, so it’s a decent cheap workout drink. may not be on the level of surge, but i bet it’s not too far off. why do you think gatorade’s still on the sidelines of nearly every football team in america?

post workout, it’s 5g creatine powder and 12 oz of grape juice. if i take it with pure water, it irritates my stomach badly…i don’t mind the taste.

i had a buddy that tried serum against my advice and he felt like an assclown that wasted 50 bucks after he was done with it.

btw, how do you know it’s not working?? what’s your criteria for working? my first round of creatine a few years ago didn’t “work” since i only gained water weight. turned out, i wasn’t eating enough, wasn’t drinking nearly enough water and it actually did work because i could put up the same weight, but for more reps, in the end, my maxes did go up.