I’ve been on depo-testosterone injections for 6 years because of low T levels. In the last four months I’ve added REZ-V and TRIBEX. Seems to have helped in my weight room workouts.
Yesterday I was diagnosed with an enlarged Prostate and the Urologist has placed me on Avodart. The Avodart information says my free testosterone levels should rize about 20%. Will there be negative interaction between the Avodart and the REZ-V/TRIBEX combination? I really like the two suppliments but am concerned about combining all of them.
[quote]indiana dave_4 wrote:
I’ve been on depo-testosterone injections for 6 years because of low T levels. In the last four months I’ve added REZ-V and TRIBEX. Seems to have helped in my weight room workouts.
As your T levels are high from the injections, the REZ-V and TRIBEX are really not needed for T level support. I would be interested in how these affected your libido and nocturnal/morning wood etc.
My original reson for using REZ-V and TRIBEX is to reduce the conversion of testosterone to either estogen or DHT. Avodart’s function is to reduce testosterone to DHT conversion, not unlike Proscar but much higher concentration.
Since REZ-V is an antioxident (SIMILAR) the TRIBEX and avodart are attempting the same function. So my question: any interaction?
My concern that the TRT would ellipse the benefit of the supplement$
Why not use arimidex or such? E also causes BPH and is considered a risk factor by itself.
With my TRT I was getting lots of nocturnal wood, no morning wood and low libido. I consider morning wood to be a good barometer for weather(pun) things are working right. Started 1mg Arimidex/week and getting a very good positive response. Morning wood and increased libido.
I inject 200mG of depo-testosterone every Saturday morning (doctor prescribed for Andropause).
I take Avodart 0.5mG to lower Dehydrotestosterone.
Am I wasting time and money purchasing “TRIBEX” and “resveratrol”?
Since the Avodart reduces Dehydrotestosterone should I continue taking “resveratrol”?
I can’t answer that question, but again I want to refer you to the point that E creates BHP problems. You are on a high dose of T and that will tend to cause increased E, partly from the spike of T levels after the injection. The avodart will lower your DHT, but that can also reduce libido. T spikes is also thought to cause higher levels of SHBG.
You might benefit from more frequent injections, perhaps a smaller weekly dose and anti-E. The anti-E should free up a little T as well.
If you do not get morning wood, but get nocturnal wood, that can be an indication of E higher than you need. Arimidex is expensive and some insurance may not cover, but it is inexpensive as a research chem: anastrozole.
[quote]indiana dave_4 wrote:
My original reson for using REZ-V and TRIBEX is to reduce the conversion of testosterone to either estogen or DHT. Avodart’s function is to reduce testosterone to DHT conversion, not unlike Proscar but much higher concentration.
Since REZ-V is an antioxidant (SIMILAR) the TRIBEX and avodart are attempting the same function. So my question: any interaction?[/quote]
Drugs and herbals that reduce BHP seem to do the same thing, and at effective doses they do reduce libido as a witness to the DHT reduction.
So the supplements and the drug might be complementary. All together this might not make economic sense. I can’t see any negatives with taking all three. Keep taking antioxidants and fish-oils.
[quote]KSman wrote:
indiana dave_4 wrote:
My original reson for using REZ-V and TRIBEX is to reduce the conversion of testosterone to either estogen or DHT. Avodart’s function is to reduce testosterone to DHT conversion, not unlike Proscar but much higher concentration.
Since REZ-V is an antioxidant (SIMILAR) the TRIBEX and avodart are attempting the same function. So my question: any interaction?
Drugs and herbals that reduce BHP seem to do the same thing, and at effective doses they do reduce libido as a witness to the DHT reduction.
So the supplements and the drug might be complementary. All together this might not make economic sense. I can’t see any negatives with taking all three. Keep taking antioxidants and fish-oils.[/quote]
Prior to taking Avodart I use to experience erections more often in the morning. I still experience them but not quite as much. I will say that my libido is definitely gone down. I thought reducing DHT would leave me with more free testosterone? Evidently I do not understand this whole process completely.
I thought reducing DHT would leave me with more free testosterone? Evidently I do not understand this whole process completely.[/quote]
I used to feel that things were that way, but after reading about what happens when DHT is reduced, I came to understand things differently. DHT has some powerful effects
I have started experimenting with some largish doses of amino acids and they seem to be improving sex drive and erections.
The only thing that is constant is the fact that everyone is different and response to anything is highly variable.