I always read that for your heart to reap the full benefits of cardiovascular training, the sessions must be at least 20 minutes long.
What about if you do some HIIT? Does the work duration still need to be more than 20 minutes.
Also what about Lactate threshold training or lactic acid training. What are the recommended times for these sessions
Are you talking about just weightlifting or different types of conditioning?
You could use calithenics with the tabata method 20 sec on 10 sec off ( 20 sets total, it takes 10 minutes) or use it with kettlebell swings, sledgehammer swings into a tire. You could do prowler pushes, sled drags, tire flips, sprints of various distances, hill sprints, multi set high rep squats or step ups with minimal rest between sets. You will get benefits in cardiovascular health from doing anything similar not so much from cable crossovers, bicep curls, leg curls or extensions, leg press or tricep pushdowns.
Lactate training is maximal effort training, TRUE lactacte training is something you could not maintain for more than 8-10 sec, like a all out 100 - 110 yard sprint, rest about 40- 60 seconds and repeat.
More like endurance conditioning. Like burpees and sprints.
Also I mean the lengths of the actual sessions. I mean could doing 5 minutes of burpees be as effective as a 20 minute jog?
[quote]clean and squat wrote:
More like endurance conditioning. Like burpees and sprints.
Also I mean the lengths of the actual sessions. I mean could doing 5 minutes of burpees be as effective as a 20 minute jog?[/quote]
Tabata is shit. You need to state an actual goal. Conditioning for…
true tabata’s are no longer than 4 minutes total. the original study used elite athletes and while they saw impressive results, most could not complete the full 4 minutes. if you can do more than 4 minutes, you might be still be doing a quality conditioning workout, but it’s not really tabata. lactate threshold training is intense, but most workouts shouldn’t be at 100% for long term results. here’s an example using sprinting- 3 weeks on, twice a week, sprint 4X400 at 85% of your 400m pr. mix it up also. 4X300m +2X200m at 85% 300m and 200m pr’s(total volume still at 1600m). rest approximately 3 minutes between intervals. unload for 1 week. next month follow with total volume at 1200m at 90%. 3 weeks on 1 week off. then 800m total volume at 95%. I userunning as an example because it’s easily measurable and quantifiable. you can use squats or nearly anything. you also don’t need distance’s either. example- 40 second effort of squats at 85% percieved exertion. manipulate the volume towards your goals. if you look you’ll see a pattern of high volume/low intensity-low volume/high intensity. lot’s of ways to achieve your goals.
just reread your post. you can get outstanding cardio benfits without doing 20 minutes continuous. altough easy 20 minutes cont. is great for regenerative qualities on recovery days. I wouldn’t recommend having a thrower run that long though due to the pounding of their larger stature. in a 45 minute conditioning session, where your only running a mile and a half or so and the rest of the time your resting, you can be a highly conditioned athlete with a super heart. if done right.
I completed tabata a few times however it was only with goblet squats and didnt see much of a change. Its conditioning for rugby league. I only have a few games left but i just wanted to clear some questions up.
My fitness levels have increased with sprinting and i always did them for at least 20 minutes because i wasnt sure.
[quote]ironwill68 wrote:
Are you talking about just weightlifting or different types of conditioning?
You could use calithenics with the tabata method 20 sec on 10 sec off ( 20 sets total, it takes 10 minutes) or use it with kettlebell swings, sledgehammer swings into a tire. You could do prowler pushes, sled drags, tire flips, sprints of various distances, hill sprints, multi set high rep squats or step ups with minimal rest between sets. You will get benefits in cardiovascular health from doing anything similar not so much from cable crossovers, bicep curls, leg curls or extensions, leg press or tricep pushdowns.
Lactate training is maximal effort training, TRUE lactacte training is something you could not maintain for more than 8-10 sec, like a all out 100 - 110 yard sprint, rest about 40- 60 seconds and repeat.[/quote]
This is incorrect, you need to read up on energy systems.