As a college student, I typically find myself going out to drink 2-3 times per week Thursday-Saturday night. While I know this is really detrimental to my physique goals, I like doing it and don’t want to give it up to get faster gains. I see a lot of reasonably big guys that keep lifting and drinking throughout college, and although they’d certainly be bigger or more ripped if they didn’t drink, they still look good. I hope I can be one of those guys in 4 years (I’m a freshman).
My question is, given that I’m going to drink, how can I reduce the damage done by my alcoholic binges? I consume anywhere from 8-18 drinks on a given night (hard alcohol and light beer), so the calories get high quickly. Are there any supplement regimens you guys follow before a night of partying (or during, or after)? Also, I usually consume some pure protein right before going to bed (FF cottage cheese, chicken, etc) - is this a good idea? Is there anything you guys do nutritionwise before/during/after drinking to help fight off catabolism?
edit: on my worst nights I drink 8-18, not every night. I do have the ability to have 5 and just chill.
Thanks for the help.