Ive been a long time lurker and infrequent poster here on this site. Still very early in my lifting career but i have done at least 4-6 months of both the Texas Method and 5/3/1, both with really good gains. However I have a serious case of program ADHD and the more I read about other programs the more I want to try them. To couple with this life has gotten in the way of consistently heading to the gym. Ive toyed with the idea on just sticking to a simple two-day aweek workout but have never gone through with it for whatever reason.
However recently certain forum and article topics have got me interested in trying a self-made simple program. My goal is to be strong as hell, and if I look good after doing it thatd be great too. My workouts will only consist of 3 lifts/excersises, and my excersise choices will only be snatch, clean, press, squat, pull-ups, push-ups, and dips. Cardio will kept down while ab/core work will be thrown in every so often on when I feel i need it.
Age- 19
Weight- 192.5
PR’S (Goal when finished)
Bench- 240- (275)
Squat- 315- (395)
DL- 345-(445)
Press- 140- (185)
Clean- 185- (225)
Snatch- 125- (185)
Lofty goals I know but something to shoot for. Heres my first couple workouts
(weight x reps x sets)
95x3, 105x3, 115x3, 135x2, 145x2, 155x1
45x10, 135x10, 185x5x5
Planks (3 sides)
3x 1min
45x5, 65x3, 85x3, 95x3, 105x2, 115x2, 120x1
45x10, 95x10, 165x9x4
AB Roll-Outs