Mini Rant/Question

Is the guy who drops the 100 pound dumbbells from shoulder height at the end of his incline bench set a T-Man or an a**wipe? I respect the fact that he’s going to failure, but I can’t decide if he should quit one rep earlier, or switch to barbell presses and get a spotter. He does it every set, and of course he works chest three times a week. Everyone stares when he does it. It didn’t used to bother me that much. However, yesterday I was deadlifting in the same area of the gym and totally lost focus. It sounded like the ceiling fell. Just curious.

He’s the latter, if he were a true T-Man he would know to either get a spotter or stop one rep before. People like that are only looking to attract attention to themselves

Well, any real T-man would take advantage of a good negative in that case. I think we all drop them at that point, but never straight from the top. Or maybe that’s just me. I say Asswipe.


Just tell him, “Man, if you can’t keep that weight under control I’d be glad to help you keep from screwing up out dumbbells. Just yell when you need a spot.”

He is indeed an asswipe. Even at my heaviest weights I am always able to control the dumbells most of the way to the ground to prevent that huge crash that usually follows.

wow, doogie got the right answer.

Trick them into being a t-man if you can’t force them.