Ok, another good session tonight.
set:1 reps:3 weight: 145 lbs.(65kg.)
set:2 reps:3 weight: 175 lbs.(79kg.)
set:3 reps:19 weight: 190 lbs.(86kg.)
set:4 reps:1 weight: 215 lbs.(97kg.)
set:5 reps:1 weight: 235 lbs.(106kg.)
set:6 reps:1 weight: 255 lbs.(115kg.)
set:7 reps:1 weight: 275 lbs.(125kg.)
Standing dumbbell overhead press. (Like military press, but using dumbbells.)
sets: 5 total. reps: 10 per set. weight: 45lbs.(20kg.)dumbbells.
Incline bench:
sets: 3 total. reps: 10 per set. weight: 135lbs.(61kg.)
Meadows rows:
set:1 reps:10 weight: 25 lbs.(11kg.)
set:2 reps:10 weight: 35 lbs.(15kg.)
set:3 and 4. reps:10 weight: 45 lbs.(20kg.)
Dumbbell row (As described by John Meadows)
set:1 reps:10 weight: 55 lbs.(25kg.)
set:2 reps:10 weight: 60 lbs.(27kg.)
set:3 reps:10 weight: 65 lbs.(29kg.)
set:4 reps:10 weight: 70 lbs.(31kg.)
Seated cable rows (using close grip parallel handle)
4 sets of 10 reps. I don’t know the weight because the clever guy who designed the machine didn’t label the plates using pounds, kilos or anything really.
Machine row.
4 sets of 10 reps. Same story as above.
For info on what the John Meadows stuff is you can check out his article “Fine Tuning the Basics: Back Training.”
I walked two miles also.
Panzerfaust, Thanks for looking. I don’t think I mentioned earlier but I only do the recommended reps for dead lifts and rarely max rep them. However it’s true if I gave it my all my dead is shit compared to my squat. Part of it comes from squatting on a mostly consistent basis since I was twelve (I’m twenty four now). I got a head start and didn’t do any deads until years later. Then when I did start getting serious about deads I hurt my back and laid off of them but kept squatting. Its been two years maybe since I’ve included them again. Little story on that-
After my back injury I didn’t dead lift for about three years. I liked dead lifts though and decided i was going to do them again. The problem was my back even three years later still gave me a little pain in certain positions. Strangely squats wouldn’t aggravate my back but of course deads sure as hell did.
When I first began wendler’s 5/3/1 I painfully pulled 225 lbs. off the floor for a max. Pitiful but that’s all I could handle. After a few weeks of trying to baby my back and tip toeing around aggressively dead lifting the weight I got pissed one night. I decided a “weak ass” 195 lbs. wasn’t going to challenge me. I rep that on bench easily and I struggle to dead lift that? Bull shit.
I walked up to the bar and got into position. Then with everything I could muster I ripped the bar up…approximately 2 inches off the floor. lol. As I did that several pops rippled up my lower back. I was nearly pissing myself in fear. thoughts were racing like “Do my legs work? Shit maybe I need surgery. Just try to stand erect.” I was able to do so and noticed something different. My back felt fucking excellent. The one time my stupidity paid off. A few days later I remaxed and pulled over 300 lbs. Today I’m always concerned about my back so I don’t ever push it much on dead lift.
Also yes this is based off the BBB but you may have noticed I bend rules at times.
Spock81, thanks for caring! In this area of Texas this is the best time of the year I think. Allergies kill me though. This is really the only time where temperatures are tolerable. This year has been extra soggy though and cooler than usual, but that’s not complaining more like appreciation. The last two weeks have been like Seattle around here. Grass is very green everywhere with loads of flowers. That will change in a couple months. Spring always brings excessive winds too. It’ll blow your car around when on the highway. Also I agree with Panzerfaust. Beef, eggs, milk, etc. are well priced. In fact that’s pretty much my diet. Still, rising prices are starting to frustrate me a little. There also isn’t much else to do when living away from a large city. You can be active, study, drink, use drugs, or work.
Thanks Floreius