There have been quite a few deaths in the scene in the past decade.
Where did you hear this?
I had heard recently that he wasn’t doing well. There was a pretty in depth interview in Flex (maybe 5+ years back?) where Mike was really open about all the “horrible things” he had done to his body during his pursuit of bodybuilding success.
Hell of a physique, and definitely one of the guys I used to love seeing in contest line ups. I do certainly love the sport, but some people just seem too willing to risk their own safety IMO. Very sad to hear this.
At the '98 Olympia, this was his posing music. Seems to sum him up perfectly. He wasn’t going to win the show (ended up 9th), but he still competed with 100% intensity and energy.
It’s the only posing routine I remember from the show, even though it was basically: front double bi, most muscular with tongue stick-out, “c’mon, yeah, wooo”, arm pump to crowd, repeat. But that wasn’t a bad thing or boring routine at all. His enthusiasm for the sport was super-obvious and he seemed pretty much like a fan who got the chance to get on-stage.
From the '98 Night of Champions where he placed 3rd behind Levrone and Ronnie.
For as big as he seemed to get offseason, I was always impressed by how tight he could his abs/obliques when he got everything dialed in.
Googled this after reading the thread, and Matarazzo was pretty adamant that his health problems were directly related to his steroid usage (abuse). I’m sure there were other contributing factors, but there seems to be a TON of bodybuilders who’ve died or experienced serious health problems and diet and steroids seem to be the common denominator. There are a few relatively young guys on this very site who abuse monstrous cycles with seemingly no regard for their health and/or future complications. Wonder if they’ll start connecting the dots?
Among other things, he admitted that eating red meat up to 6 times per day, never eating fruits or vegetables, and doing unspeakable things in his hotel room during week stays… all contributed to his failed health.
[quote]Chris Colucci wrote:
From the '98 Night of Champions where he placed 3rd behind Levrone and Ronnie.
For as big as he seemed to get offseason, I was always impressed by how tight he could his abs/obliques when he got everything dialed in.[/quote]
I went to this show. It was the first pro show I went to.
[quote]WhiteFlash wrote:
Googled this after reading the thread, and Matarazzo was pretty adamant that his health problems were directly related to his steroid usage (abuse). I’m sure there were other contributing factors, but there seems to be a TON of bodybuilders who’ve died or experienced serious health problems and diet and steroids seem to be the common denominator. There are a few relatively young guys on this very site who abuse monstrous cycles with seemingly no regard for their health and/or future complications. Wonder if they’ll start connecting the dots?[/quote]
What you talking about, Willis?
Nah, pretty sure that happens to “other” people. Seems to be the general way of thinking.
In the link that was posted that (understandably) got taken down, Matarazzo said that if he could go back in time he never would’ve taken steroids or messed with any other chemicals. That interview was conducted in early 2005, less than three years after the vid posted by Brick. Think it’s safe to say that Matarzzo really didn’t know what all that shit would do to him.
The guy who smokes two packs a day thinks he understands he’ll get cancer, but when he’s knee deep in chemo and is a shell of his former self he actually understands and regrets how cavalier he was with his health. These kids (here and elsewhere) who are pumping ungodly amounts of chemicals into their bodies for vain, insecure reasons have no idea what might happen. Is your health really worth a bigger squat or a plastic trophy?
I know this is a bit off topic but since everyone’s discussing steroids…
I’ve often wondered how prevalent roid usage really is. I often google heavy leg workouts and run into pictures of females who look overly masuline (but have nice [huge] legs and asses) and I wonder if it’s roid usage.
Ever seen some of those South American ‘fitness’ models on instagram and facebook? Do you think some of those girls roid up? It’s hard to tell IMO because I don’t know what to look for. Like the other day I ran into a video of some South American fitness model chick squatting 4 plates. She did it with absolute ease, but her quad development looked nowhere near like she squats 4 plates.
I’m thinking they were either crossfit plates or something else was up. But she has a huge rear, so. I’m assuming either she has rear implants or she has killer levers for squats and her glutes fire harder than most with them, and that coupled with roid usage causes her to plump up in that ‘area.’ I really don’t know. But will steroids affect other muscles and cause them to grow even if you don’t work them?
Sorry, I realize how big of a noob I am.
[quote]MissHarber wrote:
I know this is a bit off topic but since everyone’s discussing steroids…
I’ve often wondered how prevalent roid usage really is. [/quote]
For guys at least, it’s easy to know who’s juicing. Like I’m quick to remind my wife, any guy who’s more muscular than me is on steroids. And on a related note, any guy better-looking than me is gay.
According to my wife, the number of gay men on steroids has been steadily increasing for a number of years.
Steoid usage is WAY more prevalent than most people realize. In the fitness chick example, those were fake plates GUARANTEED, she’s most likely juicing and more than probably has a fake ass. The gym I go to is full of juice monkeys, and they range from dudes who barely look like they lift to NPC competitors and everything in between.
[quote]EyeDentist wrote:
[quote]MissHarber wrote:
I know this is a bit off topic but since everyone’s discussing steroids…
I’ve often wondered how prevalent roid usage really is. [/quote]
For guys at least, it’s easy to know who’s juicing. Like I’m quick to remind my wife, any guy who’s more muscular than me is on steroids. And on a related note, any guy better-looking than me is gay.
According to my wife, the number of gay men on steroids has been steadily increasing for a number of years.
[quote]EyeDentist wrote:
[quote]MissHarber wrote:
I know this is a bit off topic but since everyone’s discussing steroids…
I’ve often wondered how prevalent roid usage really is. [/quote]
For guys at least, it’s easy to know who’s juicing. Like I’m quick to remind my wife, any guy who’s more muscular than me is on steroids. And on a related note, any guy better-looking than me is gay.
Lmao - seriously though, I think a lot of people would be surprised how prevailent it is, especially in people who don’t compete. I may catch hell for this, but the majority of people in gyms (let’s say the ones that I personally have been in so I have an ‘out’ here!), with no real plan, let alone intention of competing, are quick to chalk up anyone else’s more impressive progress to steroids. As such, it’s easy to see it as the missing element in your their training, and if made available, and reassured by your local “gym-doctor” or online forum that they’re not gonna kill themselves, it’s pretty easy to understand why so many recreational trainers dabble with them.
If you’re competing, with the intention of getting up on an NPC stage (untested shows), then you kind of have to understand what the situation is.
I was at an NPC show in New Jersey this past weekend, and obviously I’ve been around the sport a while, as a competitor, and as a judge (of tested show mind you). When the Teen class came out, there were 4 ‘kids’, all reasonably muscled, and if they went to my high school, I’d certainly give them props for dedication asnd putting the work in. Three of these teens still looked to be somewhere around 17-19 years old. The last one (and eventual winner of the class) appeared to have an easy 30-40 lbs on the others, and actually looked to be in his 30’s, with a much older looking face than you would expect on a high school kid. He went on, I believe, to place top 5 in the Open Men’s class as well.
I had posted the piece that was taken down, not realizing that I should have just copy/pasted instead of just throwing up a link. It was just a sad recounting of how one of the guys that so many of us who had their interest sparked in the 80’s or 90’s saw as some means fo inspiration, looked back with such regret. He even talked about knowing that he wasn’t going to live to a ripe old age like his grandfather. Really eye opening.
[quote]EyeDentist wrote:
[quote]MissHarber wrote:
I know this is a bit off topic but since everyone’s discussing steroids…
I’ve often wondered how prevalent roid usage really is. [/quote]
For guys at least, it’s easy to know who’s juicing. Like I’m quick to remind my wife, any guy who’s more muscular than me is on steroids. And on a related note, any guy better-looking than me is gay.
According to my wife, the number of gay men on steroids has been steadily increasing for a number of years.
LMFAO at that last sentence.
[quote]MissHarber wrote:
I know this is a bit off topic but since everyone’s discussing steroids…
I’ve often wondered how prevalent roid usage really is. I often google heavy leg workouts and run into pictures of females who look overly masuline (but have nice [huge] legs and asses) and I wonder if it’s roid usage.
Ever seen some of those South American ‘fitness’ models on instagram and facebook? Do you think some of those girls roid up? It’s hard to tell IMO because I don’t know what to look for. Like the other day I ran into a video of some South American fitness model chick squatting 4 plates. She did it with absolute ease, but her quad development looked nowhere near like she squats 4 plates.
I’m thinking they were either crossfit plates or something else was up. But she has a huge rear, so. I’m assuming either she has rear implants or she has killer levers for squats and her glutes fire harder than most with them, and that coupled with roid usage causes her to plump up in that ‘area.’ I really don’t know. But will steroids affect other muscles and cause them to grow even if you don’t work them?
Sorry, I realize how big of a noob I am. [/quote]
There’s the possibility they’re using fake plates for photo/video shoots.
And yeah, my Coach told me about the tale-tell signs to look for to see who’s on.
[quote]WhiteFlash wrote:
In the link that was posted that (understandably) got taken down, Matarazzo said that if he could go back in time he never would’ve taken steroids or messed with any other chemicals. That interview was conducted in early 2005, less than three years after the vid posted by Brick. Think it’s safe to say that Matarzzo really didn’t know what all that shit would do to him.
The guy who smokes two packs a day thinks he understands he’ll get cancer, but when he’s knee deep in chemo and is a shell of his former self he actually understands and regrets how cavalier he was with his health. These kids (here and elsewhere) who are pumping ungodly amounts of chemicals into their bodies for vain, insecure reasons have no idea what might happen. Is your health really worth a bigger squat or a plastic trophy? [/quote]
Here’s the way my Coach put it. Since I have zero intention of making a living at standing on stage, at the VERY least squeeze everything I possibly can as a natty and then (and only then) make the decision to cross or not cross that bridge.
The sad thing I see all the time is that most of these guys who use makes you wonder, “Hey bro, DYEL?”
And you see their workouts and:
they lack ball breaking intensity and don’t know when to do proper deloads
their programming is incomprehensibly stupid (golly, if you get hurt frequently, maybe something ain’t right?)
their technique makes a three-legged cow look graceful (accept the fact that there will always be someone who can out lift you on a given day and learn to use proper form to protect your body).
After I saw this thread I read those Mike Matarazzo interviews and he makes some great points that, tragically, many of these young dumb kids will ignore.
RIP Mike
[quote]MissHarber wrote:
I’m thinking they were either crossfit plates or something else was up. But she has a huge rear, so. I’m assuming either she has rear implants or she has killer levers for squats and her glutes fire harder than most with them, and that coupled with roid usage causes her to plump up in that ‘area.’ I really don’t know. But will steroids affect other muscles and cause them to grow even if you don’t work them?
Sorry, I realize how big of a noob I am. [/quote]
The way the traditional squat was explained and taught to me, the glutes are and should be activated when coming out of the hole. They never really turn off, or at least they shouldn’t throughout the entire movement, positive and negative. Just their level of contribution changes. This is one of the reasons why Vince Gironda advocated the traditional squat for women’s glutes.
A good source for the type of steroid information you’re asking is the Shadow Pro thread in Steroids sub forum. He gave me really good insight on what the figure competitors take.