People have made various comments that don’t hold water. Most seem to hate the arabs who kill but justify the Israeli’s who kill, then when i’ve pointed out the injustice in that, and in the whole region, they’re like ‘shut up with your causality’. Sorry but it isn’t as simple as JEW GOOD and MUSLIM BAD.
This is my thread, and i’d rather there be no replies at all than 4 pages of people saying ‘don’t justify what’s happening in the middle east’. This is exactly what it’s about. This is a thread of intelligent analysis, understanding, and discussion of solutions. If you want to bitch about one racial minority or another, or how vile a violent act is, do it in another thread, or in your head please.
If we want peace- the following must happen.
We need a new agreement about the direction of the whole country (treaty). Ehud Barak said in 1998 that the aim of the Oslo discussions was to institute a “permanent neo-colonial dependency”. He was Israeli Prime Minister. That is not cool. I can see why no one would want to honour this treaty if they were on the dependency end of it.
Gaza needs to swell massively, so it’s inhabitants have living space.
Israel needs to chill with all it’s ‘targeted assassinations’ of PA leaders. Palestinian militants need to stop blowing shit up, it clearly got attention for their cause. Job done. They will never defeat the whole western world who rely upon Israel’s policing of the oil market.
Jerusalem must be divided among them, each holds it as sacred, yet each will kill endlessly over it.
ALL the policies of Ariel Sharon are to be scrapped- the wall, the ariel settlements etc in the West Bank. He was a bastard who had no concern about the value of a human life. Home demolitions must stop. Shipments of armaments by the US to Israel must stop. (surely they have enough already, more than 1 bullet per palestinian?) Aid must be restored to Hamas, who are to be controlled by a willing and able, honest and powerful mediator (not America) whom they fear the wrath of.
When they have no money (often) they go to another country and further implicate themselves, getting cash from radical fucker who want to murder a lot. With aid this would not happen. Though they may admittedly still want to blow shit up. Then we have a problem. But what’s the alternative? Not let poor palestinians eat? Israel blows up various arab countries daily, with sophisticated weaponry, and deadly effectiveness.
Both sides’ youth must be exposed to history that validates the other’s grievances, in order to keep an emotional balance, and build sympathy in the new generations, so they can be saying “mum, dad, can we stop fighting? (insert arab/jewish name here) is my friend” etc.
Palestine as a whole must get bigger. They have like 15% of their country remaining, and Israel is in the middle of it, and won’t let them go between. It’s like the Berlin Wall. Palestine is not post ww2 Germany. If Palestine is connected, not floating in a sea of Israel, Israel could better police itself, and be safe from bombings etc.
Like vroom said, “non-fanatic citizens need to assert themselves and change things to allow peace to develop” in both affected countries.
Israel cannot eternally welcome all the world jewry. The place is not big enough. If the world Jewry want a place for themselves and themselves only, perhaps they should have checked noone was living there already. Or they could buy the moon and live there, who knows
Any other ideas? Perhaps we could resolve all the shit…