Did you start a reply intent on not agreeing with me?
The fact is, to you, it’s either a mystery, or entire fault at your opponents, which starts/perpetuates wars. For me, it’s the effects of previous injustices/social conditions.
“LOL, you have no idea what you are talking about.”
You decided not to include this part of my comment about versaille/nazis " Don’t get me wrong, there was a spark of evil provided by the ‘philosophers’ of the nazi movement who mutated some nietzche ideas. BUT" Then wrote “It’s widely recognized that harsh conditions imposed were a rallying cry. However, that does not reduce the evil that arose.” This is EXACTLY WHAT I SAId, but you had to write it.
“Don’t assume people are blind because they make a different judgment when they see what you see.” With all due respect (declining) fuck you. That’s what i see, in more words.
There’s so much to say, you confused guy.
“I’ve never said we should nuke the region. I have chastised people that have said things like that.” etc etc moody guy. I know. I saw how you criticised some, who were totally warlike like ‘yeah! get them bastards!’, then a few posts down, support war because “Grown humans are not meant to behave as children and in fact sometimes harsh discipline is required.” Realise that this is an abstract opinion- a projected ideal. If you kept an open mind that simile would be very profound. Shame on you. Smack your arse. (Don’t act like a child now and retaliate/escalate)
Shall i quote your conflicting support for no war (with bitchy protests against any who claim otherwise)/ support for war?
You’re due for exposure… “Where have I said history is bullshit? Those that don’t know history are doomed to repeat it… which generally makes it pretty important.”
The following are your quotes (out of context sorry). You sound torn.
“I don’t really have an intention of focusing on who wronged who in the past, because I’ll never “prove” one party or the other is in the wrong.”
" It doesn’t really matter all that much, in the sense of the entire world, or history, who lives where. "
“Your statements are an excuse, or a justification, for terrorist actions. Again, I can agree that both sides have many things to be upset about, but that does not justify the actions being taken.”
“Whine, whine, whine. Life is so unfair. Somebody make it right, stop everyone suffering, boohoo. This is what I am hearing. This is the real world, the only thing that will fix it is strength.”
“When terrorism stops there will be a chance for movement forward” (on whose terms? so we must all bow to strength then beg for scraps?)
“As you have been educated many times now, when the Arab world decides to allow Israel to exist in peace, the region will have peace.” (it’s that simple)
“Again, I don’t think drumming up sympathy, for either side as it is very easy to do, really amounts to a hill of beans. Yes, I am a left-leaning and I have argued that the western world creates conditions that lead to terrorism in the past. However, in no way does that mean I can justify terrorism under any circumstances.”
“The Arab world needs to start thinking about the future. This has been a theme I’ve been repeating in all of my posts. The past is over. It’s time to let go of some things and begin the healing process.”
“(Preluded by my comment about conflicts of the past bearing on current-day conditions of life) It’s not complex at all. The history is intricate but basically immaterial.”!!!
“The inferior living conditions are because they won’t simply live in peace.” (which came first? the chicken or the egg? I actually know and i’m hungry now)
" I don’t think basic needs have been denied. I don’t hear of people dying of starvation or of thirst." (This is the problem)
" Nobody is denied of worship. Many people don’t live “right there” and they worship just fine. Hell, if the place was peaceful I’m sure they’d have full access to anyplace they wanted. This is what people don’t seem to get. The road to access and sharing is not through violence and terrorism." (for truth- Irgun terror squads bombed all Over modern day Haifa, and also Jerusalem, the holiset place n earth for them where they spilled lots of arab blood, to support zionism pre-Israel being bigger than 20% of Palestine- what happened? They got their wishes, their leader even became Israeli PM, their country grew exponentially as a result- maybe the arab terrorists have read this part of history, and thought it might work? I think this is relevant as i know terrorists study other terrorists to ‘improve’ their strategies. Don’t say it’s all in the past)
ETC ETC i could go on, but i shouldn’t have to, just for more than 1-2 people on this whole board to realise the murky ambiguity of a situation which can’t be solved by ‘more guns, arab acquiescence’
" History is not about assigning blame it is about avoiding our mistakes. It is not about justifying attrocities, it is about finding ways to avoid them."
I don’t assign blame i show mistakes others haven’t seen (as powerful/dominat societies are very good at obscuring their blame) and not condemn, but point to the consequence of such injustices- the ones personally harmed by such offences then respons irrationally.
The sad thing is that no one who has disagreed with you, has disagreed with you fundamentally about the unsuitability of terrorism for ANY means. Just some have shown, or discussed, that it is not the origin of hatred/pain/eveil, in this world, or even this conflict. If you won’t accept this now, you never will. I’ve personally taken time out of consecutive 3 days, typing thousands of words of evidences of pain inflicted unneccessarily by those in a commanding position, agaisnt those subordinate to their wishes. From this exposition, i find no surprise at all (but certainly no pleasure in my astuteness) that people will fight back with the only means they have.
THAT IS NOT TO SAY I LOVE SEEING DEATH. IT IS JUST THAT I KNOW FAR BETTER THAN YOU DEMONSTRATE, THAT THE MORE CERTAIN GROUPS PUSH, THE MORE THE OTHER FACTION WILL RETREAT TO A DARK CORNER, TO PLOT EVER-INCREASINGLY WICKED WAYS TO OVERTHROW THE INJUSTICES THAT LIBERALS SUCH AS YOURSELF REFUSE TO ACKNOWLEDGE. You have two choices- support ever-increasing war, or support a compriomise that will pacify the people who seek to cause harm. Perhaps you believe that each terrorist should be punished. What is that? If these people are prepared to die in search of their goals (not to establish any caliphate, you ignorant naive fuckers reading who said this) i suggest that they would all happily be imprisoned for their undeniable crimes against human decency, provided that the societies we are a part of/we support, stop killing at a scale of 10-1, and stop the injustices which can equally never be justified. Perhaps i wrote this too fast and misspelled some words etc. I am so disappointed with you, man. I feel that if you aoppose the iraqi war (why, might i ask?) If you chose to believe the histoical facts i’ve quoted with the same sincerity that you believe some anti-US sedition about Iraq, then i wouldn’t have to type so much. I don’t have to type, but you are truly lost
You wrote this, in an earlier post. “Well Danny, maybe you could educate me about this “good” thing they are fighting for.”
That’s what i’ve been doing. The combination of freedom, lack of war, basic human needs (water, crops, industry, freedom of movement) and First of all, before any of this can be achieved, recognition in some way that “Israel is establishing a permanent neocolonial dependency” and USA is providing all the tools they need.
If your reply to this is any less than
“I’ll just read what you wrote earlier, mate, I didn’t realise a revolution was so neccessary in this area (revolution literally means change around, recalibration, remember, it doesn’t neccessitate bombs), I really want peace for all people” then you are alone, and you can sing your little song in chorus with whoever you want on this board, in the greater world, paint it on walls, truly believe you’re a good guy, a liberal etc. But if this is not your response, good luck.