I have a fairly bony back, and i wanted to get tid of that gross shoulder blade stickin out of my back look, Wut u guys recomnd for exercisees?
Flash, do deadlifts, shrugs, pullups, upper body sled drags, power cleans.
Any exercise where you bring your shoulder blades together. You want to condition Rhomboids, Trap 2, 3 and 4. Seated Rows, Bent rows (wide Grip), deadlifts, bent flies, reverse cable flies, shrugs (slightly bent over) are all good ones.
Don’t you go back and correct any of your spelling errors, or do you think everything is spelled right in the first place?
Like the others said, the basic exercises. And don’t forget to eat to grow! You’ll pack on the meat in no time. Also, the Olympic lifts will do a lot if you know how to do them properly. Otherwise, stick with the deadlifts, rows and chins. And you can always do towel chins as Coach Davies recommends and uses often.
deads,deads,and more deads. regular bent leg deads! also bent over barbell rows, just don’t swing the wt. up like most idiots. peace and good luck.
Power cleans, overhead press, DL.
U mite wan try sum uh them dicshunery rows, u know, grap a thik websters in each hand bend yer uppr bodi at a 45 dgree angl an bring the dics to eithr seid of yer chest. its a rilly gud exercisee wut i recomnd.
thanks for the help guys i appreciate it
try scapula rows. you can either do this on a chest-supported rowing machine, or on a seated cable row machine. Sit the same way that you would for a traditional row with a shoulder width grip. Just perform the retraction part of the movement. Do not bend your elbows, or extend your shoulders. Only move your scapula. Do this at the end of your back workout after you have performed tradional exercises like deadlifts, rows, cleans, etc.