Hey guys just found these interesting articles and thought I would post it here, I remember several threads a bit back where different people seemed to be having depression going on and found this to be an interesting and cheap treatment!
I personally developed some pretty bad depression as a result of lyme disease, mainly because of the inflammation it caused in my brain, hyp perfusion of certain parts which caused lack of blood flow, and ammonia being released from dying bacteria…
It caused me to start having hallucinations, erratic behavior, depression, and anger outbursts as a result, among 1000 other things haha… Though I never really acted anything out just symptoms that occured that I kind of kept between me and my LLMD lol…
Anyways I found out I was also amnemic because of the infection and started using a methylation protocol to help with ATP production and cellular growth which was probably impaired because of the bacteria.
I started using methyl b12, Adob12, Methyl Folate, and L Carnatine Fumarate and I had way more energy as a result and some symptoms of the infection slowly started to die down soon after… This is where I later learned that methyl Folate was actually found to be very useful in treating depression.
Apparently some people even have genetic mutations where their body does not process folate, or folic acid fully and this triggers depression for many, these people go on to have very treatment resistant depression until they start supplementing high dose methyl folate and begin to recover.
I guess the folate deficiency can also cause inflammation as well as depression and this can result in inflammation of the brain and other places which may either trigger the depression in the first place or make it worse…
Anyways Interesting stuff and I think many here may benefit from trying it out if they feel the need, also for things like chronic illness, lyme disease, or chronic fatigue syndrome the methylation protocol does absolute wonders!
The protocol I use is from a friend of mine named Fred who actually cured his M.E./CFS with it and has made it available to everyone and recovered many others from CFS/M.E. as a result as well.
Here is some links on depression and folate deficiency
Also here is my friend Fred’s protocol for methylation
Also please note if you suffer from CFS/M.E. then it is VITAL you uptake the amount of potassium you use while on Fred’s protocol. For people with CFS for whatever reason the treatment can reduce potassium levels in them for new cell growth and this can be dangerous if one does not have adequate potassium in diet/supplementation!