I am going to start ABBH in a week while taking Carbolin 19 and i might add Methoxy-7. this is after a 2 1/2 month fat loss diet and training protocol (modified TBT) where i lost 19 lbs (205-186) and about 6% bf (i am 6’0").
I am looking for some feedback from those who have taken Methoxy-7 before to see if it is worth using with my next training program. my goal is to keep/reduce current bf levels while adding LBM (obviously). So lets hear it, how have the rest of you liked Methoxy-7?
I like it for the visual and therefore mental quality it gives during my bulking. It has a definate hardening effect makes me more vascular etc. even in a state of higher BF%.
I remember reading somewhere that Methoxy-7 either works for you or doesn’t, but can’t remember where and am too lazy to hunt.
I tried it for 3 months and didn’t really notice anything myself.
That said, the only way to know is to try it, look at the great reviews of it!
And I might even try it again some day.
Just to see.
Hardens your muscles and makes you appear more vascular. Its purely for aesthetic use. It wont put on slabs of muscle, but it will lean you out ever so slightly.
Dont go into it thinking you will get anything more than a hardening/more vascular appearance, effect.
Have to agree with Chris. Methoxy-7 is great at creating that nice lean, hard look. It certainly helps maintain and increase strength while helping to shed fat. It can also help you to build a little muscle.
[quote]T-Vixen Mod wrote:
Have to agree with Chris. Methoxy-7 is great at creating that nice lean, hard look. It certainly helps maintain and increase strength while helping to shed fat. It can also help you to build a little muscle.
Personally, I love Methoxy-7!![/quote]
Isn’t that what HOT-ROX is supposed to do?
How are they different?
[quote]rainjack wrote:
We’ve never used Methoxy-7 when bulking. It’s always been used when we are shedding fat.
Seems to help preserve LBM.[/quote]
Yeah-it seems like something I would like to use in a cutting phase. The hardening effect and added vascularity would be nice once you’re already nice and cut.
[quote]Joe Weider wrote:
T-Vixen Mod wrote:
Have to agree with Chris. Methoxy-7 is great at creating that nice lean, hard look. It certainly helps maintain and increase strength while helping to shed fat. It can also help you to build a little muscle.
Personally, I love Methoxy-7!!
Isn’t that what HOT-ROX is supposed to do?
How are they different?
Methoxy-7 is not as strong as HOT-ROX when it comes to fatloss. Methoxy-7’s main purpose is to harden muscle, but it does help burn some fat. HOT-ROX is made specifically for burning fat while maintaining lean body mass.
[quote]michaelv wrote:
Hasn’t this question been asked and answered several times before?[/quote]
I really didnt have a question, i just wanted some feedback from members on their personal experiences with Methoxy-7 so i can decide if i want to use it or not. i realize that Cy has stated many times that he would use HOT-ROX for dieting while preserving muscle and he would save Methoxy-7 for bulking while minimizing fat gains. since this is what my goal is and Cy says that they would be of good use together, i figured i would see what type of effects Methoxy-7 has had for others on its own. don’t worry, i am not one of those who asks questions that have been answered time and time again.
[quote]Joe Weider wrote:
T-Vixen Mod wrote:
Have to agree with Chris. Methoxy-7 is great at creating that nice lean, hard look. It certainly helps maintain and increase strength while helping to shed fat. It can also help you to build a little muscle.
Personally, I love Methoxy-7!!
Isn’t that what HOT-ROX is supposed to do?
How are they different?
WEll HOT-ROX is designed specifically for fat loss. It targets increase in metabolism. HOT-ROX can also help to preserve muscle, this is an extra benefit but not its main purpose. Methoxy-7, however, was designed to specifically boost protein synthesis, in turn helping to build and preserve muscle. It can also help with decreasing fat, but that is not the main focus of the product.
[quote]Moriarty wrote:
Can someone remind me what it means to “harden” a muscle? Is that the T-Nation version of “toning” a muscle, or something else?[/quote]
Your muscles literally get harder. If you pinch your biceps, it will be firmer. As for why, I dont know/remember…
[quote]PGA200X wrote:
Moriarty wrote:
Can someone remind me what it means to “harden” a muscle? Is that the T-Nation version of “toning” a muscle, or something else?
Your muscles literally get harder. If you pinch your biceps, it will be firmer. As for why, I dont know/remember…[/quote]
How long has it taken you guys to see results on Methoxy-7? I’m mainly thinking the aesthethic aspects: muscle hardening, etc…Though added help in preserving muscle would be good. I’m bulking right now and will finish either with Carbolin 19 or without depending on how long I bulk. I then plan to cut for a time. I want to try Methoxy-7, but I don’t want to spend a lot of money on supplements.
After the cut, it’s actually just gonna be heavy lifting and good, clean eating for subsequent bulk and cut phases for awhile. But I was thinking I would use HOT-ROX and Methoxy-7 towards the middle to end of the cut. Would one bottle of Methoxy-7 be enough to see results or would I need to take it for longer?
Methoxy-7 is definetely worth it for me.
I haven’t tried it yet for cutting but for bulking here’s my results - realize some are subjective or attempts to isolate action.
*Within first 2 two weeks on 4 caps/day I gained 2lbs over my previous rate and more of it was muscle by about 10%. I was eating about 500-1000 cals over maintenance/day.
*My appetite increased - always good when trying to follow massive eating and eat lots of veggies.
*Felt better - less sluggish. This is hard to quantify, but I agree with everyone else about increased recovery.
*Slight hardening/leaning effect - this is also hard to judge - but muscles showed up better even though not that much fat loss. (Maybe one mechanism is higher constant protein/glycogen storage in the muscles, increasing density/size)
*Slightly less fat gain while bulking.
Some notes: It seemed the effects diminished fairly quickly after about 2 months - but came right back after 1-2 weeks off.
I haven’t felt the need to try 8caps/day but it’s probably better.
Some notes: It seemed the effects diminished fairly quickly after about 2 months - but came right back after 1-2 weeks off.
I haven’t felt the need to try 8caps/day but it’s probably better.
Hope this helps.[/quote]
You mean that the effects diminished but returned after taking a 1-2 week break and then going back on?