Metcon for Muscle Phase II

Has anyone run the supposed next phase of the Metcon for Muscle program? I have gone through the original a few times and love it but was hoping to keep it going with the next iteration. In the Metcon for Muscle coaching forum, Tim Patterson mentions subsequent workout blocks being behind a paywall in the Private Coaching forum. Just wondering if anyone who has paid for the service has gone through the next phase of Metcon for Muscle and what they think about it compared to the first.

Youre not the first to ask about this–I don’t think the second phase ever happened.

You could give the Basi6 or Fiready plans a shot. I ran Fiready after Metcon for Muscle.

Fiready was, by far, my favorite plan, free or paid. Ever.


That’s quite a testament, because I know you’ve put a lot of effort into a lot of programs!

Man, you really do a lot to keep it positive around here.

It’s much appreciated.

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Well thanks. I’m a huge fan of hard workers and team players.

Thanks for answering. I looked around but couldn’t find any mention of the second phase on the forums.That’s disappointing but I guess I have the template to create one myself.

Appreciate the suggestions and will give Fiready a go.

Buckle up, it gets intense!