What up everybody…I grew up as weak as they come, got a little stronger after hitting the gym in college, but then got very weak due to significant muscle loss after a month long coma/brain surgery 10 yrs ago. I worked out since in desperation and gained decent strength. Even though I had come a long way, I felt I was still a weakling.
On my birthday in July 2008, I set my mind to acquiring serious strength over 3 yrs and reducing body fat level below 10%. My progress over the past 8 months has been remarkable. Hopefully my Quest will motivate others who don’t believe in themselves.
8 month Progress Summary:
START July 2008 : BENCH 215, SQUAT 165, DEAD 265 = 645, 28" jump
CURNT Feb 2009 : BENCH 240, SQUAT 260, DEAD 355 = 855, 33" jump
GOALS July 2009 : BENCH 275, SQUAT 315, DEAD 375 = 965, 36" jump
GOALS July 2011 : BENCH 405, SQUAT 505, DEAD 605 = 1515, 45" jump
8 month BENCH Progress: +25 lbs
8 month SQUAT Progress: +95 lbs
8 month DEADL Progress: +90 lbs
8 month Box Jump Progress: +5"
I am excited about simulating a PL meet towards the end of February that I will post a vid of on YouTube. I will perform a 1 rep max lift on the Squat, Bench, then Dead adhering to competition standards as much as possible. I am aiming for 275 Squat, 245 Bench, 360 Dead.
Here are few video clips of my workouts leading up to this:
BackSquat PR Attempt @ 265
Hypers / 225 Bench / TireJumps / 235 Bench / KettleSwings
Shoulder DB Presses
Try Bench PR @ 225x3 / Try Incline PR @ 185x1
All others vids outlining the trend of my Metamorphosis since July 2008, which are good for a laugh coz of how pathetic I was earlier on, can be seen on my YouTube page ZackAttack1978 - YouTube