I posted my pics on the “Mertdawg Cutting” thread under “Physique and performance photos”
The consensus was that I needed to lose about 20 pounds (from 215-195) by eating more regularly, lowering carbs and junk food, and including energy system work: probably some version of interval training .
Also, most suggested that I need more in the upper traps, with differences of opinion about lats, erectors and arm flexors. I also considered working on calves and a little upper chest. It’s a lot to choose from, and I’ve got a week to plan the first stretch.
I plan to finish my current cycle next week and hit PRs in the 3 powerlifts 7 months after ACL replacement and just 12 weeks after starting to lift really heavy again. My PRs before surgery were 445, 345, 435 all legal (depth, pause) and no equipment. I should be right at or just above these next Saturday and then start my new program.
My Goals for 12 weeks are:
Get bodyfat down to the 10-12% range. I’m not looking to get super ripped, but I want to get to a reasonable level that I can maintain long term. I want to look good and powerful.
Get in real good shape. I have never done any real cardio, just 30 minutes fairly challenging on the upper/lower body exercise bike, and I used to run sprints of 40-100 yards (typically something like 15 50s) but am only getting back to running now after surgery. I’d like to be able to run a 60 second quarter mile, but don’t know if its reasonable. I want to be light on my feet.
Maintain muscle. Give my shoulders, and triceps a rest from heavy pressing and REDUCE the frequency of heavy spinal loading of squats for a while, but I feel fine with Back Arching like goodmornings or even deadlifts. And build my weaknesses.
I’d also like to get back some of my functional flexibility
I want to plan the first 4 weeks now.
For diet, I plan to eat at least 5 times a day and fluctuate my carbs between 60, 100 and 200 grams. I was basically going to eat about 5 cups of full fat cottage cheese over the course of the day (1200 cals, 130 grams of protein) mix up lots of new and different fresh vegetables in a mixer and eat of it over the course of the day, (kind of like a salsa) and add in fresh meat, fish and or eggs and walnuts to fill out 2000-2200 calories and about 200 grams of protein per day.
For the workouts, this is my current plan:
Day 1: There’s a 100 yard “hill” at the park with about a 10-15% grade. I will run up the hill and walk down. I’m gunning for 10 trips on week 1 and then trying to increase each weak over the first month. Stretching between runs, or maybe doing stretch/lunges on the way down the hill.
Day 2: Snatch grip deadlifts 4 x 6
Pullups: short sets until I total 30.
Shrugs: Same as pullups.
EZ preacher Curls with bands: 10 x 3 HEAVY
Day 3: Interval cycling: 1 minute hard, 3 minutes slow for 40 minutes
Day 4:
Incline cable crossovers supersetted with Incline dumbell presses 2 hard sets.
Strict cable rows with peak contraction 5 x 10
Day 5: Off or Brisk 30 minute walk
Day 6: Same as day 2, or heavier for fewer reps
Day 7: Off or Brisk walk
I know its a lot.
ANY Suggestions for the first 4 weeks?
Thanks all!