I bought the Meridian Sports Training Shoe some months ago after reading about it on your web-site. I have used the “Strength Shoe” for years with success and thought the Meridian shoe to be “safer” ( one must train extremly smart in order not to get hurt in them) . I don’t know what you guys have heard since you first had it on the web but let me tell you they work! I run 10 X 300 meters at about 65% 5 days a week in the shoes (Which drives the inventor of the shoe crazy ), and my ankle and erector strength has gone thru the roof. They work better than the strength shoe without the possibility of injury. I have even run stadium stairs in them, and my calves squeeled for a solid week ( which has never happened ) so I had to rest a week after that to make sure they recovered. I really like these shoes! Great job guys!
ps- I don’t recomend running 10x300’s everyday in these shoes unless you are a freak.
I just tried to go to their site, and it gave me an error message. Anybody have any idea if they changed sites or how I could find them now?