Hey Cesar682,
On a past Q and A with Alessi, he suggested to someone who wanted to lose fat and gain muscle as quickly as possible by doing Meltdown 1 for six days out of the week for two weeks and than alternating with three days of Meltdown 2 for two weeks. Plus, Alessi doesn’t like doing long low intensity cardio sessions because he feels that it can burn lean mass as well as bodyfat.
Thanks for the reply! I’ll look up Meltdown II and see what the recommendation is. All I know is that the Meltdown is tough! BUT it is still up to the person doing it.
Last Friday’s Meltdown workout I used light weight on my squats and deadlifts. I told myself I needed an easy workout because I had a long week. The next morning I was mad at myself and I feel like I wasted a workout. I wimped out and made excuses. No more! Not again!
Train hard!