How do you guys measure most body parts/muscles? And for that matter, is there a way you quantitatively measure muscular gains? Arms is easy because you can just measure the peak, and same with calves. But what about legs and “chest” measurements?
I don’t know about you guys but where it’s hard to get the exact same spot on legs and 1 or 2 inches up or down the thigh can change the circumference by 1-3 inches. Same with chest, not so hard to measure across the same spot but breathing in, flexing, etc…can change the measurement up to a few inches.
Obviously if you’re looking for a general measurement it’s not a big issue, but if you’re trying to measure progress on those places monthly for example that could make a big difference (not to mention that both of those places tend to gain fat first before other places like arms but there’s nothing one could really do about that).
Here’s some brief instruction on how to do it. Also if you get a Myotape or something like that they tend to have instructional videos. Also if you get a tape measure that holds on to it self like that it usually a bit easier to be more precise with it, just make sure you remeber to measure the same area of the muscle and you should be good.
Select whether you want to take your measurments in a relaxed or flexed position. As long as each submission is the same position, we will be able to assess your progress accurately. It is important if using friend/partner to help you in this, that you use the same person throughout, as measurements can vary from person to person.
Shoulder Girth: Tape measure must go all the way around the shoulders measuring the full shoulder girth or circumfrence.
Bicep: Measure in a fully flexed position.
Chest: Tape measure goes all the way around the chest as indicated in the picture above. Alignment is at the nipple. This is not just a front measurement - the tape measure must go all the way around the body.
Upper Chest: Similiar to the main chest measurement, the tape measure must go all the way around the body. However the starting point is on the top of the upper chest where the pec ties into the deltoid as indicated in the picture above. The tape measure goes around the back in a straight line, however when reaching the first nipple in the front, diverts to the upper chest starting point at the pec/delt tie in.
Waist: Measured at the belly button.
Thigh: Meausured at the mid point between the knee and hip.
Calve: Measured at the thickest point.