OMG i just wanted u all to know that md6 is soo damn awesome, i have 0 carb cravings at all and can stay true to my diet without cheating, its soo damn cool and my mood is up all the time, im always in a good mood,im statiing to see some visual results but have not stepped on the scale yet, anyone els eget exp like theses, this product is fucking awesome
Yeah dude, I did a few weeks of T-dawg/Meltdown, and the first week I didn’t have any MD6. I bought some about halfway thru my second week and the weight started melting off. My cravings were completely gone, and my workouts were intense. I’d pop 2 after breakfast, 1 after lunch, and 2 about 45 minutes before I worked out. It was kind of weird though… I’ve been a reefer smoker for a while, and when I’d take one or two hits after taking some MD6… It seemed to help it “kick in.” My mood was way up, and I didn’t get any kind of munchies. I also just bought my first tub of Surge the other day, thats my new favorite supplement. I feel completely regenerated after every workout… good stuff.
I am switching to MD6 for my E/C stack. I figured I would give it a try since I have no complaints from other Biotest stuff. I ordered it online and the MD6 should arrive here soon…
new info from me, this shit is unbeliveable, i weighed my self two weeeks ago and weighed 263 with not shoes and just shorts after lifting, just weighed tonight, 252 with shorts sweats, and my otomix shoes on which weigh a ton, i just about fainted when i saw that, thats 10 lbs in 2 wees, the cool thing is that i have only done 4 cardio sess and about 4 lifting sessions in the last 2 weeks cause of exams and i still lost that much, not sure how much was water and muscle, but holy shit this stuff is incredible!!!