MD6 in Quebec (or the rest of Canada for that matter)

Calling all you Quebecer testosterone readers - anyone know of a retail based store (one with a web site would be good) in quebec (either montreal, trois-rivieres, or quebec city) where they have MD6 in stock? After the recent announcement by the canadian government with regards to ephedrine it might be hard to get(cigarettes are okay but anything with “more than 8 mg/dose or 32 mg /day” will kill you - see this link: view.cgi?/news/2002/01/09/ephedra_020109 ).

Already some canadian based web retailers who were temp out of stock are now unable to get the product in at all. Any of you biotest guys know if shippments are still making it across the border with MD6? Well looks like us canadians might be getting screwed again.

I’m from montreal and it still is easy to get such products. That is as long as they have a DIN number. If not you can check out the site. They carry all biotest products.

Look at

Va voir Il s’agit d’un excellent site et leur service à la clientèle est exemplaire.


Hey Guys - thanks - but is one of the places that is having trouble getting it in (thats where i usually buy all my supps). Know any places in montreal where i could walk in and just buy a few bottles? I might be going there this weekend. Thanks again - PS I`m in Trois-Rivieres - I have not had the chance to look here - you know any places here that might have it?

Merci Louis-Philippe, mais je deja parler avec les gars de, et il me dit que il y a un problem avec leurs shippment de MD6. Je ne sais pas si le problem est permanent, mais le MD6 est pas la maintenant.

Try lifeandsport or the-gym a try if you’re looking online, or you could try a GNC…I think that there are 3 in Montreal. I was in one in the Angrinon Mall last weekend, they had some MD6.

Where exactly is Angrinon Mall? I`m not too familiar with Montreal but have been a few times - I do not recognize the name but that sound good. Oh and by the way is out of MD6 as well last time I checked their site.

I live downtown, so I just took the metro to the Angrignon station (if I’m spelling this right) and then walked 5 minutes to the mall. I think it may be in the Ville St-Laurant area, but don’t quote me, I’m just a po’ Ontario boy tryin’ to make it in the big city. Or, I just remembered, you could go to the GNC site and do a location search…they have maps and stuff. peace.

thanks rubberman - i know how you feel - im just a po alberta boy trying to make it in the not so big, bigger than my city of trois-rivieres.

The GNC you are refering to is in Lasalle :slight_smile: Ville St-Laurent is WAY UP NORTH :slight_smile: BTW… Welcome to Montreal :stuck_out_tongue:

at Decarie Pro Shop in Ville St.Laurent.