[quote]pookie wrote:
Tiribulus wrote:
First I see you spout a bunch of senseless drivel which leads me to one opinion, then I see you make a very insightful and accurate post about, of all things, military strategy which makes me think you may be sharper than just having killer computer skills. Then you make a ridiculous statement like the above betraying the unmistakable symptoms of accute “I don’t know WTF I’m talking about” syndrome. Can you possibly believe that there is such a thing as an easily governed state?
As opposed to running the federal govt?
Two years ago, Palin was mayor of a small town.
Then she governed one of the least populated states. Alaska might be big, but it’s not the empty square miles that are being governed, it’s the half-million population.
McCain seems in ok shape; but a lot can happen in four years; Palin might end up president.
What I find odd, is that a big stink was being made of Obama’s lack of experience; but when looking at the possibility that Palin could end up in office, suddenly experience is not that important a criteria.
That’s number one. Next, Alaska has a whole host of issues confronted, if at all, to the same degree by no other state. Not to mention the sheer geographical vastness and proximity to Russia. Come on man, Id like to think you’re a little brighter than this.
You can think of me as being as dumb as a rock if it makes you happy.
Alaska is big, but so what? Is governing Canada harder than the US because it’s larger? I don’t think so.
Being close to Russia has been a non-issue ever since long range bombers and ICBMs were invented. Do you expect Russia to swim across the Arctic sea and try a land invasion?
You are missing the point that I actually like you and it would not make me happy to think of you as dumb as a rock.
I already said, a few times, that she is not immune to the same criticisms that have been leveled at Obama. Have you seen my posts, she is no potential president in my view. My only point was that no state is “easy” to govern and Alaska presents some unique challenges, hence, while lacking essential experience let’s not take from the experience she does in fact have.