No, this is a terrific choice if it is indeed Palin. Very solid conservative who speaks well. And yes RJ, I do believe she has a good personality that shines through well when she’s speaking. She will attract alot of the Hillary discontents. I’m pretty excited if this is truly his choice. Good pick IMHO.
Now we have an affirmative action hire for president from the Dems and for vice president from the GOP. Neither one of these people has any business anywhere near the whitehouse. On top of that does anybody think this is the TYPE of woman that most Hillary voters wanted? What an insult if I were them. Just any old female will do the Mccain campaign must think.
[quote]bigflamer wrote:
No, this is a terrific choice if it is indeed Palin. Very solid conservative who speaks well. And yes RJ, I do believe she has a good personality that shines through well when she’s speaking. She will attract alot of the Hillary discontents. I’m pretty excited if this is truly his choice. Good pick IMHO.[/quote]
Look friend, I’m a solid conservative and right about everything according to me, but have no illusions about my qualifications for the US Presidency. Have our standards fallen so low that anybody who agrees with us is able to command our military, navigate potentially catastrophic foreign relations issues, wrangle the finest points of constitutional law with the house and the senate in the grandest arena of all, not even to mention the domestic disasters facing this nation today?
Even the leaders of the past like FDR, who I do not have a high regard for, were giants among men, mastodons. These lightweights are a joke. Political pandering and it’s worst in this case.
EDIT: Joe Biden will pummel her in the debates at least that will be the perception.
[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:
His whole strategy seems to be based on the thought that if he looks like the lesser of two evils he will get elected.[/quote]
So McCain criticizes Obama’s lack of experience and picks someone with even less as his VP? If he croaks during office, are you ready to have her as your next president?
[quote]rainjack wrote:
I guess I might need to back track a little bit. I just got off the phone with a friend of mine who said that she was a spitfire.
I started doing a little searching on her, and she has more political nuts than McCain.
In actuality, she is the only true conservative on the ticket. [/quote]
The GOP has leveled a lot of criticism at Obama for his lack of experience. Now they choose as VP - one with a fair chance of someday acting as president, given McCain’s age - someone with 2 years of experience as governor of Alaska?
The “no experience” charges are going to get more difficult to sustain.
Are you guys insane? This is one of the best political moves I’ve ever seen. Palin is every bit the conservative that McCain isn’t. She graduated from the fucking University of Idaho. Spare the fire until you do some research on this chick. She’s pro-life. She’s at the forefront of telling the feds to fuck off over drilling in Alaska. She’s a serious gun owner. She’s the real deal.
I remember my wife asking me if I would break down and vote McCain if he picked the proper VP. I told her there was NO ONE good enough. Now I’m actually thinking I might have been wrong. Jeez, I can only imagine 4 years of wishing McCain would kick.
[quote]Reef wrote:
So McCain criticizes Obama’s lack of experience and picks someone with even less as his VP? If he croaks during office, are you ready to have her as your next president?[/quote]
That IS THEE question. Talk about on the job training, but her politics alone do make her preferable to any loony left wack job like Obama.
If I have to choose between unqualified and American ideals and unqualified and eastern European ideals I’ll take the former.
Signed into law AK’s largest budget ever in 2007, 6.6 billion.
Formed sub-cabinet to address climate change and reduce greenhouse gasses.
I haven’t made up my mind yet on where she stands with me politically, but I think she will help McCain.
You can talk policy all you want, but the average American cares way more about what’s on the surface and what makes them feel good than about actual policy.
I thought McCain needed Condi Rice if he wanted to win. Palin may be just as good, if not better as she has no connections to Bush.
Well, if it makes conservatives this happy, and manages to attract a fair portion of the disgruntled Hillary supporters (the PUMAs), this might just work.
[quote]tedro wrote:
Lifetime member of the NRA.
Pro-life under all circumstances.
Supports drilling in ANWR.
Provides plenty of eye candy.
Signed into law AK’s largest budget ever in 2007, 6.6 billion.
Formed sub-cabinet to address climate change and reduce greenhouse gasses.
I haven’t made up my mind yet on where she stands with me politically, but I think she will help McCain.
You can talk policy all you want, but the average American cares way more about what’s on the surface and what makes them feel good than about actual policy.
I thought McCain needed Condi Rice if he wanted to win. Palin may be just as good, if not better as she has no connections to Bush.
After my initial anger simmered down a bit and my mind took back over some of these points came to the fore. Some Hillary sheep who may not have voted otherwise might be swayed by this and once again. ANYTHING that keeps Obama away from the Supreme Court. Aside from a continental invasion that portends the longest lasting potential damage.
She has a four-month old baby with Down’s Syndrome. How does this affect things?
She could get extra sympathy votes and votes from women for being a working mom with the added adveristy of having a down’s syndrome baby.
I can also see people holding this against her. Being a mom and still holding such a high position may equate to people not believing that she gives her children the attention they deserve.
I’m not judging her either way at this point, I need to know more about the situation.