[quote]Bill Roberts wrote:
OK, let’s say one grants that inexperience is unacceptable for someone who may become President.
And let’s posit for the moment that Palin’s experience, from having been in charge of only inadequately-big things like a multi-billon-dollar, multi-thousand-employee operation like a state government for only 2 years, as well as other experience, is inadequate.
Well then, if granting this then doesn’t it follow of necessity that Obama’s experience, which is absolutely zero of ever running or being in charge of anything or making any important decisions of any kind except for running his own campaigns for office, is also at least as inadequate?
Then, if granting that, does it follow that it’s better to have the unqualified person be the head of the ticket, pretty much guaranteed if elected to serve as President of the United States, rather than be unqualified but if that ticket is elected, only potentially winding up as President?
Nope, Obama supporters who want to claim Palin’s experience isn’t enough and therefore one should not vote for McCain are also saying, to any logical and non-brainwashed person, that even more so one should not vote for Obama.
Claiming that it’s OK for Obama to be as inexperienced as he is but not for Palin to be at her level of experience is just whacked.[/quote]
I would pretty much agree on this. It makes the whole experience argument a wash for both sides in my view. I would say, though, that I interned for my Senator. While governors function in an executive manner closer to that which they would act as president, senators often deal much more closely with the types of issues they’ll be facing as president even if they don’t get to make the ultimate decisions. Of course, that is as a general matter. That’s not to say that Obama in particular has served on committees or actively dealt with the issues necessary to prepare him to lead during his time in the Senate. At the least, however, the Republicans lose credibility and attacks on Obama’s own experience ring a bit falser.
Each party is going to put their own spin on it. The Democrats will say that Obama has encountered and dealt with the issues necessary to prepare him to be president even though not in an executive capacity while Palin has not. Republicans will say that Palin has executive experience and that she is not running for president in any case.
For my own part, I'm least concerned with the electability aspect. People too easily get caught up in tactics and forget that one of these tickets is going to be running this country. Whether or not Obama has enough experience doesn't mean that McCain should pick a running-mate who is ill-prepared to lead because she has some admirable qualities and positions that appeal to they party base. Particularly because she is more likely to actually take the presidency than most VPs given McCain's age and medical history.