I am new to this site… think its awesome btw:) I’m a bit unsure as to some of the rules so i thought i’d ask before i get into trouble
Can i name UG Labs on this site because a while ago (bout one month) i bought some 400mg testoviron and 300mg deca by a lab i have never heard of before… it has a silver label, black bull logo and a hologram but i have never seen it before.
I have been on it for about 3 weeks now and i am seeing really, really good results of it, the 1st shot made me feel a bit grogy but thats about it. So far i have put 11lb on but i am really hard gainer:(
I have been taking 1.5ml of each every 6 days in alternate arse cheeks.
I want to buy some more before i run out but can’t get hold of it anywhere:(
I was wondering if i could tell you guys the name and maybe you know were i could get some more:)
Please help me if you can… i hate beeing lanky haha.
Deca is a little different it has a 2 day peek spike if i remember correctly. But it’s ester is a longer chain and overall will break down slower than the Test E. Every 4th day should be about the max to stretch the deca.
You take the amount you want to take weekly, say 400mg(1ml), and divide it by 7 and multiply by 3.
So, (400mg/7)x3 = 170mg
170mg is equal to about 0.4ml per shot.
Thats 1ml per week.
That works for any amount you desire to use weekly.
That will allow you to Dose the same amounts with a revised injection frequency.
i wonder how much you have left, and how long are you going to run?
If you have gained 11lbs in the first 3 weeks with cyp, enanth and decanoate esters i imagine that you are really training, eating and working hard on this cycle - harder than usual maybe?
How are you controlling estrogen, and how are you coming off the cycle?
You are currently on 600mg of test E6D and 350mg deca E6D. This is a great size stack, but what is the cycle? What is its pattern like etc…
Is this your first time? It reads like it is. It reads like you are very inexperienced with AAS at least.
If you have been lurking here you would know that it is never pretty when newbies come onto the boards and are not acting as safely and intellectually as they can and should be.
I will add finally - that to ask anyone who is ‘in shape’ IRL or online
“What do you take atm… lookin prety good” is actually offensive to AAS and non-AAS users. Think about it…
How patronising are you Brook, i realise that you are trying to help me out and for that i am very greatful, but i find what you say to be rather offensive also.
"It reads like you are very inexperienced with AAS at least.
If you have been lurking here you would know that it is never pretty when newbies come onto the boards and are not acting as safely and intellectually as they can and should be."
I am not all that new to aas, bout 11 years now, maybe i am new to this site yes but that gives you no right to be as condescending as you are!!
And… what you said above is pointless… i am fully aware of the possible ways i can inject thank you (i am a medical lecturer / qualified neurosurgeon) but that would just be pointless due to the lengths of the active halflife period… i’m now taking 1.5ml e5d
My current AO is Xenodex, this is my 1st time on it and its really great, i have stayed incredably dry:) i recomend that maybe you should try some… i have never heard of it before so i can not give you any feed back other than my own but it is really good mate.
Methinks you’re getting a bit of the thin-skin side effects from gear. If you spend the time to read a couple of dozen threads on here, you’ll see just how much Brook helps people. Furthermore, you’ll see just how prevalent ignorance on the part of newbs really is.
It’s pretty hard not to consider someone an absolute newb when their first post is about sources and their second one is a direct question about someone’s AAS use, even if no harm was meant.
Btw, the first post in the “Steroid Newbie Thread” makes it absolutely clear that sourcing is prohibited. That is pretty much standard practice for public boards for obvious legal reasons.
I’m sure that you can contribute a lot to this forum but sometimes one needs to know when to back off a bit and roll with things rather than getting defensive.
I can fully apprechiate your points here and i can tell you that what you have said has been duely noted, however… i really do care how much you think that brook helps people, he is a t@$t and i do not like him, i was not asking for a source i was merely enquiring about a regional location as thier is non in the midlands (where i live)
I do not take kindly to people who are as condescending as brook is.
I hope that you can understand my point and i appologise to you (and anybody else on here, apart from Brook haha) who is offended by what i have posted.
Interesting AI choice. First I’ve heard of this. Xenodex (1mg of anastrozole, 20mg letrozole, and 10mg of Tamox in each capsule). What dose do you use? Do you have to split a capsule into several doses? How do you go about that? How long do you plan to use the different compounds in your cycle?
What post cycle therapy are you planning? Deca is known to be difficult to rebound from although it is a fantastic addition to testosterone.
edit: BTW - Brook will grow on you. He is a unique character who can be a little rough sometimes, but much more often extremely generous…
I will add finally - that to ask anyone who is ‘in shape’ IRL or online
“What do you take atm… lookin prety good” is actually offensive to AAS and non-AAS users. Think about it…
Because, frankly, you have been here for what, a week or two at most? It is none of your business. If your reason for asking is because you’d like similar results than you are more lost than you sound. There are too many variables outside of AAS use that factor into someone’s aesthetics.
Interesting AI choice. First I’ve heard of this. Xenodex (1mg of anastrozole, 20mg letrozole, and 10mg of Tamox in each capsule)[/quote]
I have never heard of it and haven’t gotten around to googling it yet, but if that is in fact what it contains it sounds like a horrible drug for estrogen control during an AAS cycle.
20mg letro in one cap??? You’d have to be insane to fuck with that.
haha, i hope he grows on me… i don’t think he will but only time will tell:)
To be honest buddy, i have never heard of it up until three weeks ago. I got the because i couldn’t get my grubby mits on Anastrozole. They are made in Mexico by a research institution called Mazatek (the same as my gear shown above) who are a sister company of Biogen Idec (according to Wiki), They are not a UG lab as i initially suspected.
If you can source them they are very good at what they do, and i highly recomend them.
Recomended dosage is one capsule every other day so i have been following that.
I am only using this product whilst i am bulking (8 - 9 weeks) i will come off and substitute them with Anastrozole from then… 1mg eod but i will most def take them again as i find them to be most effective. To be honest everything which i have tried by Mazatek has been of excellent quality:)
They are releasing some peptides through Biogen Idec which look very good… among them is IGF - LR3, Peg MGF, Semorelin, Hexarelin, and CJC - 1295.
Can’t wait;D
My pct consists or a UG pct (i do not know what is in it but i find that when i combine them with 5000iu hcg (i take 1 shot e5d) my natural test production is through the roof.
[quote]oliiol wrote:
How patronising are you Brook, i realise that you are trying to help me out and for that i am very greatful, but i find what you say to be rather offensive also.
"It reads like you are very inexperienced with AAS at least.
If you have been lurking here you would know that it is never pretty when newbies come onto the boards and are not acting as safely and intellectually as they can and should be."
I am not all that new to aas, bout 11 years now, maybe i am new to this site yes but that gives you no right to be as condescending as you are!!
And… what you said above is pointless… i am fully aware of the possible ways i can inject thank you (i am a medical lecturer / qualified neurosurgeon) but that would just be pointless due to the lengths of the active halflife period… i’m now taking 1.5ml e5d
BTW, the consensus of this forum’s brightest minds consider a 5000iu hCG dose to be extremely high and probably harmful to natural production. 250iu EOD while on cycle is considered a decent dose to keep the testes plump and open for business.