Deca & Test

Hey guys im looking for a little feedback i am going to run a test deca cycle for eight weeks. I have 2000mg or deca and 2000mg or test cyp. I was gonna start out 400mg for both and work my way down to 100mg. i was also gonna run clomid postcycle and thought of using it about half way through the cycle. is this a good idea to use it during the cycle. This is my first cycle. Im not adding anymore roids to my cycle. Also how good of gains should i expect to get. I was told about 20lbs; is this unreasonable. I was also told deca will lean me out alot. Is this true or just another myth as well?

You should gain 5 lbs off that cycle but I would bet you loss that gain after you come off.Then agin it might stay with you in the form of tits what anti e are you going to use.Do you plain to front load.Whats your stats

let the flames begin

pyramiding… now theres a concept

i find spot injecting the deca straight into my left nut helps one front squats.
i prefer my inner right ass cheeck for the test post injection site, really feel it when doing glut ham raises. for get the clomid untill week 7 your blood levels will still be high due to the nature of the injection sites. the link below will have more specific info on the exact locations of the sites.


After 3 posts you would think this kid would catch a clue.Go to your source trade back your deca and get some T400 that is the shit for spot injecting.

If you did any research on this topic you wouldn’t have even thought of asking this question. Anyone with half a brain (and cravel) know that frontloading is the way to go. Deca isn’t that great for cutting up and on top of that it’s very suppressive. EQ is the highly prefered over deca on this forum by most. Furthermore if you did frontload you wouldn’t have enough gear for even a 5 week cycle (6-8 weeks seems to be the typical length for most here). Then on top of that you’re gonna need to run some ari or femara as an ati-e. To be honest your ? sucks so much dick that it almost seems like you tried to make it so. If thats the case get a life, if not research alot more.

Thanks for the insite. However im stuck with the deca. I was told and have read that deca is the best drug for the least amount of side effects, therefore i thought it was a better choice, I was also under the impression that you would get better results running it with test,and the test would keep your dick from going limp. During the cycle. I guess i didnt fully understand the concept of frontloading either. I thought u started out with a high dose and ended on a lower one. instead of starting with a lower and ending with a high one. Anyway im a nubbie to the juice world. I have reasearched and read stuff for a few years mostly drug types and effects, I just hear testimonies of good lean gains on the stuff. So can some of you more knowledgable and well informed guys point in the right direction for info. What would you guys recommend for a first cycle. Im really not up to running more than two things. I dont know how my body is gonna react to things. I have access to most anything. Would EQ and test cyp for 8 weeks followed by clomid for 4 weeks be good for a first time

ok listen up. this is the best advice you will get. eq and cyp would be a fine first cycle but i wont suggest using any steroids right now for you. what you need now is knowledge. you are playing a very serious game. once you fuck up your body you may not get a chance to fix it. start in the archives here. read all you can as well as the posts here on the steroid forum. if you have a good question then ask it. we will be glad to help with specific question but we wont do your work for you. read the back t-mag articles. especially cyborg and anything from bill roberts. there i have you going in the right direction. now go and learn young grasshoppa

Strasseroids, s-files, steroids for dummies and anything you can possible find on steroids though the search engine. Like drago said hold off though. I am a real impatient person sometimes, however I was fortunate to have a real stand up guy show me the right way to do things.

If I were you I would get something other
then Deca. About 10 years ago before I
knew anything about juice I did deca cycle
Limp Dick is no fun. I was suppressed for
a few months. I found a good juice DR.
You need to read alot more. On this site
perform a search on Deca and you see
what all the vets are talking about.