Massive Eating/Don't Diet

Looking for feedback on nutritional partioning and results since these ideas were introduced to us. Either diet with any goals including modifications that were made to the published plan.

Obviously this diet is being overlooked by several people because I have had great results. I am going 50/30/20 carbs/protein/fat and put on 10 lbs of solid muscle in the last three months and only about 5 lbs of fat.

I’m sure you’ll get better feedback from others who have been using it for longer. With that being said, I finally stopped being a stubborn prick and just did the damn program. Early returns (three weeks) are excellent and I losing weight and gaining muscle at the same time. I’m real happy and eager to learn more about the program. I’m a believer.

Stevo & Tessio,

Which calorie schemes were you on Massive Eating or Dont Diet?

I guess since there is not very much feedback most people are on a keto or CKD style diet, how are those coming?

I guess I am following the Don’t Diet with his taper approach. Three p/c meals early and the p/f late. I read John’s article last week so this week on workout days I’ll eat a p/f meal 2 hours before the workout, then Surge before and after. Then I go to a p/c meal 1 hr after the workout is done.

I was always so paranoid about calorie intake when dieting, sticking to some nonsensical calorie intake #. Now I am doing this massive eating stuff and I am eating like 600 calories more and dropping weight at a better clip. Give it a shot. I’ve been following it to a T. My only failing has been lack of consistent veggie intake. Give it shot man. I’m so impressed.

Tessio-- What macro percentage breakdown of fat-carb-pro are you using?(30-40-30, 50-35-15…etc). Also, are you taking any fat burners or other supplements? Thanks.

I’m hanging around 25% fat/45% pro/30% fat. Fat is mostly from either Udo’s, Coromega Fish Oil, Salmon, or Lean Beef. I’m taking methoxy7. Have taken it before. In general I stay away from the thermogenic stuff, and JB’s comments on them were kinda what sparked my interest in the first place. I’d like to hear from other people that have gone for the long haul b/c I am still early in the process.