
in defense of occasional pot use, ecstasy Does do damage to emotional (serotonin) regions of the brain and CAN cause severe depression among other things. Pot, coats the brain maybe but doesnt destroy it. My fav comment was by weedkiller however, talkin about the obviously toxic nature of weed which he obviously discovered through his infallible powers of deduction. I am not gonna say smokin pot is healthy but i leave you with this quote by DEA judge Francis L. Young. “In strict medical terms, marijuana is far safer than many of the foods we commonly consume. For example, eating ten raw potatoes can result in a toxic response. By comparison, it is physically impossible to eat enough marijuana to induce death.”

LarryBoy, I seriously think one night of smoking is going to have a noticable effect. I doubt Androsol would make a difference. To tell you the truth, I smoked every day, all day up until New Years… including on my way to gym, on my way home from gym, right before I went to bed, and as soon as I woke up. I was following diets, and routines from this magazine and gained like I never had before. There is nothing wrong with marijuana, but I did let it get out of hand. I gave it up because I went to clear my head for school… but an occasional doob never hurt anyone.

Whoops… I meant “isn’t.” One night of smoking isn’t going to have a serious effect. Maybe I did lose a few brain cells :wink:

Yeah Charles, whaddya think you are, some kind of respected strength coach or something?!? Er…wait a minute…

Recreational smoking isn’t going to affect your T levels and other things as much as others. It’s one of the least destructive ways to get fucked up, although definently not beneficial. If this is a long term thing, for health’s sake, use a water bong.

Great post Charles! It take balls to post your opinion while everyone else is trying to rationalize something like this. It’s too bad that most people don’t realize that almost every choice can either bring them closer, or take them further, from their goals.

Have some fucking fun.

I want to read the studies done that say that weed raises estrogen. Give me a break - Dont be a prude man - if you cant smoke a joint once in a while without thinking your going to screw up all your goals in life your a narrow minded obsesive compulsive - do what YOU want and do what makes YOU happy. Forget what eveyone else says. Now light up that bowl and have some fucking fun damit.

Marijuana won’t decrease testosterone or cause any negative side effects. I really think it helps me training a lot. Since I began smoking 3 joints per day i’ve gained 15 pounds and I train harder and heal faster. This took 2 months and I didn’t rallt change anything else. Weed has a bad reputation. Alcohol will actually damage your gains.

Another thing. Instead of being bad for you. Cannabis is a healthy habit with zero side effects after you get used to the high. The gov wants to keep information out of circulation, but theres still some out there. THC is a more potent antioxidant that vitamins C and E in the brain. Also good for asthma, arthritis, and MS. The only problem I see would be if you smoke 20 joints a day that would effect your lungs. Also refrain from eating chips while high :slight_smile:

You guys are killing me. Poison? Ha, animals don’t avoid weed. They love it. They are always eating my friends crop. He has Cancer and it helps him keep down his medication. And its the only thing that does. My email is [NOT ALLOWED ON THIS SITE- MOD] if anyne has comments about this wonderful herb.

Wow, if I would have known this would have caused this much commotion I would have kept my question to myself.

I call bullshit on Dman and others. I have seen Cat scans of pot smoker brains compared to nonpotheads. It absolutely fucks with the chemistry of the brain and does cause permanent changes. If you want to fuck with your own brain fine, but don’t be so irresponsible as to tell everyone that its harmless and barely addictive. Oh yeah, it is a chemical defense in the plant moron. When an animal eats that (or certain mushrooms) it learns quickly not to eat it again.

for those who seem to think that pot is hardly cancerous.WebMD - Better information. Better health. article/1680.51552. I’ll be out of town from tonight for a couple of days, but I’ll have some more refrences when I get back. Oh yeah, pot smokers, how does it feel to fund murderous cartels? see ya when I get back.

I rarely smoke (as in twice a year) and when I do I take the most disgracefully small hits and stop when I feel buzzed. Although it is the best feeling in all the universe (not exaggerating) I stopped doing ecstacy all together because it fucked up my emotional stability so much it was unbelievable. The depression I was in 2 or three days afterward was unprecedented. I actually might have gone temporarily mad in those days as I occasionally found myself laughing hysterically at how sad and depressed I was. I am better now of course and happier than ever. (For those who didn’t already know I took it once every 3 months or so for a total of about 4 times.) However, I don’t regret my experimentation. But thats all it was mind you, experimentation, don’t make a habit out of it.

You wanna get high, or feel fucked up? Bash your head against a wall 3 times, then see if you can count straight.

Give me a break - Dont be a prude man - if you cant get cracked over the head with a baseball bat once in a while without thinking your going to screw up all your goals in life your a narrow minded obsesive compulsive - do what YOU want and do what makes YOU happy. Forget what eveyone else says. Now grab that bloody brick we title ‘The Stone of Intelligence’ and have a crack at it.

You want a real way to feel on top of the world? Do something that raises adrenaline.

Shit, I can’t believe I am going to add to this ridiculously long thread, but, what the f#@k… An occaisionl smoke is not going to hurt you. It is relaxing and hanging out watching a baseball game is great R&R. However, let’s not make pot out to be some miracle drug either. Use it sensibly - which means occaissionally, very occaissionally. And don’t smoke before a workout. It does not help you out. If you think this, you are truly fooling yourself. (Yankees and a bong hit, baby)

I agree with Dawg on the Porch that “Ex” is pretty bad. It feels good but I only did it twice. It f*cks up your mind pretty good. Personally I don’t get much out of weed. I don’t think drinking or smoking weed will mess up your gains too much, if you only do it once and a while. I probably only drink once or twice a month. Don’t smoke weed anymore also. Sometimes you have to have a little fun.

Some of your responses make me laugh. Some, make me feel incredibly sorry for you. It’s pathetic how narrow minded, and ignorant some of you are. If it’s illegal it must be bad right? Sheeeeshhh! God help you fools.(If he exhists.)

Jesus, this is still going? Well I’ll tell you what. I smoke, my girl smokes and all this working out I do is so I can enjoy myself and not look like ajerk off when I take my cloths off. There is nothing better than Blazin a fat one and having sex while your girl rubs those muscles down. Live it up boys, If you work out just to be a prude your missin out I think. Its true you shouldnt smoke too much though or your gains will hurt, in my case anyway. Now pass those milanos I got the fuckin munchies (just kidding)