Yes, I admit it, I am a Biotest junkie. Amongst my arsenal are:
10 tubs of Metabolic Drive Protein
3 tubs of Low-Carb Grow!
2 tubs of Classic Grow! MRP
3 tubs of Surge
6 bottles of 4-AD-EC
6 bottles of MAG-10
1 ancient bottle of Methoxy-7 (when it was liquid)
2 bottles of the new BCAAs
4 bottles of Flameout
7 bottles of Carbolin 19
4 bottles of TRIBEX Gold
2 Bottles of Spike
2 bottles of Alpha Male
3 bottles of MD6, 1 has Norephedrine- yipee!!!
3 bottles of T2-Pro
2 bottles of T2
3 bottles of Myostat CSP3
1 bottle of Redkat
2 bottles of original HOT-ROX
3 bottles of Maximum Strength HOT-ROX
2 bottles of HOT-ROX Extreme
2 cases of Metabolic Drive Bars
Even with all of this, I still plan to order and use more goodies. It is really cool to see how Biotest has evolved in the past several years. I am really excited to see where Biotest is 5-10 years from now. -Starkdog