Hey, guys. I hope I’m posting the right question to the right place. And you guys seem pretty(by that I mean very) knowledgable so I’m crossing my finger here.
To begin you off, I have a 5’8" about 200lbs female friend. She is so far just doing cardiovascular exercises, and I suggested weight training for fat loss. However, she knows nothing and I barely know anything to make any kind of “program” for her to follow for an effective weight loss.
Q1: So she doesn’t want to bulk up. She wants none of that hypertrophy. What should she aim for, strength or endurance??
I did read the articles by Christian Thibaudeau and from many other internet sources. And they all have different ideas as to how many reps per set whether the goal is strength or endurance.
According to Training for Newbies Part I by Christian Thibaadeau, this is the general scheme:
2-3: strength with little size gain
4-5: strength and size gains, but more strength than size
6-8: strength and size gains, almost equally
9-12: strength and size gains, but more size than strength
13-15: size gains, and some muscle endurance gains
16-20: muscle endurance gains, and some size gains.
But in Part II, he says:
Functional hypertrophy (6-8 reps)
Total hypertrophy (9-12 reps)
Strength-endurance (13-15 reps)
I hope you see some contradictions here, if you think I’m mistaken, please do correct me because I really want to know what’s what.
Q2: So if one doesn’t want to bulk up, how many reps per set? 13~15 or 16~20? or 2~3?
Also, to my understanding, 2~3 sets seems to be the best option, am I right (or wrong) ?
And so far, with my pitiful knowledge, this is what I have come up with. I do want criticism. Just don’t call me names, lol I don’t need know the most best perfectest work out routine, but something that’s pretty efficient and that will cover most part of your body. If you see anything wrong or have concerns, do not hesitate to tell me!! I want to know!!
Oh I must mention that she’s weak so she can’t really do dips or pull ups, maybe girly push ups.
A: Chest + Back
Chest press
Chest fly
Reverse fly
B: Shoulder + arms
Lateral raise
Overhead press/dumbbell
Tricep extension
Bicep curls
Girly pushups
C: Abs + Legs
Leg extension/press/curl
R = rest
Is that fine? Too much/little work out? Redundant? Missing something?
Gosh, this is such a long post… Thanks for reading this and your thought/comment will be deeply appreciated and enlighten me. Thanks!!
-Black Iris