I have a couple questions about MAG-10. First, does it matter if you take it with food or on an empty stomach? Second, is it better before a workout or after? Lastly, following a cycle of MAG-10, would it be wise to take M and Alpha Male together or should they be taken during different cycles? Thanks for the input.
[quote]Jay wrote:
I have a couple questions about MAG-10. First, does it matter if you take it with food or on an empty stomach? Second, is it better before a workout or after? Lastly, following a cycle of MAG-10, would it be wise to take M and Alpha Male together or should they be taken during different cycles? Thanks for the input.[/quote]
i had alot of similar question regarding Mag-10 as well, so look at the post titled “diet / supplementation” that I started, Tshaw answered most of my question with detail