Mag-10 & Urination

Okay, so kind of an odd topic I know…

Whenever I drink Mag-10 I am peeing like crazy for the next two hours. What is in it that could cause this to happen? I’m only mixing it with about 16-20 oz of water.

I just joined T-Nation+ and saw your post. I don’t have any answer for you but always wondered the same thing. It was worse when I used Plazma to work out and followed up with Mag-10. All that water probably didn’t help. I’ve since changed to Surge and it isn’t as bad.

Lots of sodium in Mag10. Plus the recommended dilution is about half a liter I believe.

How fast do you drink it?

A little know fact is that the speed of fluid intake plays a big role in urination. For example, drinking 1000ml of fluids in a few big jugs will lead to more urination than sipping the same 1000ml.

And protein itself can be diuretic. Since MAG-10 enters the bloodstream so fast, it is possible that it could cause a diuretic effect.

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Jumping on this, when I take my morning pre workout and hbcd, I do tend to down it. I sweat a hell of a lot and once I’ve arrived at work after a 30 min cycle I am bursting.

Is that effectively wasting the supps because the body is getting rid of water so quickly or does it not have an effect on that side of absorption?