I just thought I would share my success so that others might be able to understand the program and the supplements work. I guess I was wrong for the most part. The majority of individuals within this forum seem to just want to discredit and shoot down other peoples success. I have received some great advice from others on the site and I thank them for all their help. To answer as many questions as I can recall read on.
I am a male, 195 lbs was my starting weight when I joined the site. I am 25 years old. I attribute some of my lifting gains to a better mental attitude during the program than I previously had. Maybe the results sound outlandish but they are combined results of proper diet, supplementation and placing myself in the right mental state. I had more confidence in my strength than I had before.
I am interested in anabolics and I have been considering them as an option down the road again. I am trying to get the advice of experienced and well informed individuals in the forum. I believe educating myself before jumping in could help me see better gains this time around.
I took 12 caps because the option was given on the bottle and I figured I might as well give it everything I could. I also took Creatine, MRP’s, Protein, Multi-Vitamins, Fish Oils and Flax Oil.
I have been training on and off for about 2 years. I am not huge nor a seasoned veteran. I have focused mainly on form and battling some health problems during that time. My body fat has risen quickly on me because of a hypo-thyroid which has since been corrected. I have dropped quite a bit of weight since the Dr. figured out the problem. I was excited to get back into the gym and starting to hit things hard. Sorry I am not the pinnacle of fitness, I am trying to get there though.
Yes, I am following up with 2 weeks on Tribex (8 caps daily) and M (3 Caps Daily). I am following Growth Surge Project Stage 3 during this time.
The reason I chose a bulking cycle while at 29% body fat is because in doing some research (Med-line and other resources and studies) I found that it is statistcally easier to experience muscle gains with a higher BF than it is to drop BF and then try to get gains. The other reason is that I figured if I put on a few extra pounds of BF during the cycle no big deal the extra muscle will increase my metabolism in the long run. The other reason is I already looked like shit at 29% BF so what difference would a litle more make at that point. Luckily things went in the right direction.
As for those trying to do the math concerning my body composition here are the details:
Bone Lbs. : 5.67
Hydration : 51.7% @ 102.8 lbs
Body Fat : 29.40% (11% +Avg.)
Muscle : 108.9 (17 lbs -Avg.)
Bone Lbs. : 5.87
Hydration : 54.2% @ 110 lbs
Body Fat : 26.00% (7.6% +Avg.)
Muscle : 116.4 (12 lbs -Avg.)
If you want my diet info let me know and I will e-mail the spreadsheet with the schedule, products, carb/pro/fat/cal breakdown and calculated targets based upon Massive Eating.
Any other questions I haven’t answered let me know and I will be happy to respond.