I read your post about the IOC drug test and that it shouldn’t be a problem because the contents of MAG-10 are not banned. My question is, if they do become banned, how long will the substances be detectable in your system by testing?
The IOC banned substances list has sections like this:19-norandrostenediol, 19-norandrostenedione, androstenediol “…and related substances”. Could the contents be called “related substances?”.
Finally, do you think MAG-10 is a good choice as a strength builder?
If Androst-1-ene is banned, then I wouldn’t be surprised if traces would remain in the system for 6 months to a year, as with Deca.
Maybe you could clarify something on this. I thought the USOC tested according to a testosterone to epitestosterone ratio. If T:E is greater that 6:1 of or epitestosterone concentrations is more than 200 ng/ml, your busted. Wouldn’t MAG-10 cause this and still be proscribed? Especially since androstenediol is specifically prohibited?
Yes, you’re right, and although I didn’t address it in this post I think I did in one of them yesterday. MAG-10 will contribute
moderately to T levels due to some small
part of the 4-AD-EC converting to T – as
an approximation 300-400 ng/dL – but no
epitestosterone will be produced from 4-AD-EC.
So with natural T substantially suppressed while actually on MAG-10 (as opposed to being already off of it) I completely expect it would
be possible to fail the testosterone/epitestosterone ratio test.
vulcan i am not sure if this can really be answered on the board. Plenty of olympians use roids. Roids inhibit the just about everything t related. Coaches and athletes find ways around this…