I am about to purchase the goods to do 12 weeks of Mag 10 in cycles. Everything I read about it says to eat big. I need some advice from some someone who has been in my shoes. Tell me what type of diet I should follow.
I am 30. I have been lifting since I was 14. I am a 6’ male, 240lbs, 25% bodyfat (I use a hand-held bio-electrical impedence device for bf%) I carry my weight well. I am heavily muscled in the legs as well as chest/back. I also have a 39" waist which I would like to dramatically reduce. I competitively wrestled in HS as well as through college at weights ranging between 167 to 220. I used to cut 17lbs in 5 days to make weight, consequently I think that I have damaged my metabolism from too many frequent starvation/dehydration diets. I definetly come from a family with endomorphic tendencies.
Since I have too much bodyfat as it is, what diet plan should I follow while on the cycle? Can Mag 10 help me to gain even more muscle but lean me out some? I feel that I will balloon if I increase any more carbs. I do eat healthy and usually pretty clean, around 3,000 to 3,500 calories a day. I do have a tendency to occasionally binge on chocolate. My lean bw is around 180#
I have at my disposal: (I couldn’t argue with the EAS deal I got)
25# of EAS Simply protein
about 150 packs of EAS Myoplex deluxe & light shakes
3 bottles of zma
Some Betalean(ephedra) for leg day energy
Any input would be appreciated