I’ve gots of questions for you guys
[quote]Bosch wrote:
Your problem sounds very similar to one that i’ve had for a number of years. I experience lower back/gluteal pain following periods of training where an emphasis has been on developing the posterior chain (deads, oly lifts etc). This has been attributed to a hyper-mobile sacro-iliac joint which had resulted in muscular imbalances between my right and left sides.
Like you, I was advised not to weight train. However, I feel that I know my own body and my own capabilities better than an “expert” that I have consulted with a handful of times. Subsequently, I manage the problem in the following ways:
Address any obvious imbalances, I do alot of unilateral work on my lower body (step-ups, single leg squats, pistols, King deadlifts etc).
Work on you flexibility. Stretch your hams, quads, hip flexors, ITBs, Glutes, spinal erectors and lats.
As oppose to eliminating PC work, alternate cycles of hip dominant and knee dominant lower body work (for example, I use 3 weeks of deadlift variations or oly lifts followed by a back-off week of things like reverse hypers, pull-throughs or light compound lifts, followed by 3 weeks of front or zercher squats, steps-ups, bulgarian split squats, lunges etc and then another back-off week and then back to hip dominant).
Ensure your getting some joint support supplementation (glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM) and plenty of good fats (fish oils, MUFAs).
After training if you’re aware of discomfort take an ice-bath (just make sure the girlfriend doesn’t walk in, as the ice-cold water does nothing for the male ego!).[/quote]
Yes, the ortho believes it was a small ligament tear at the sacro-iliac joint. Unfortunately, since I am PL focused, my emphasis is always on the posterior chain. Unilateral work for the posterior chain is a good idea. What are king deadlifts? 1-legged hypers might be good too. hard to think of other ones though.
About #2 - That’s something I really need to focus on. I always get lazy with stretching as it takes forever to see results.
I currently take glucosamine/chondroitin but no fish oils. Fish oils are good for the joints? I’ll have to take a liquid one as I have trouble swallowing those huge pills. It’ll be gross but worth it. Is flaxseed oil the same thing?
Will cold showers have the same effect? In 2 weeks im at school and we dont have baths. I try to do a bit of swimming which is also good im sure. I’ll probably get bored though… The cold is good for the ligaments?
Thanks for the help!
[quote]j23t wrote:
Honestly, a lot of lower back problems have similar symptoms. Definitely start stretching and performing a good dynamic warmup to loosen the hips, perhaps it is just the SI joint which causes pain that area but it could be more, like a strain and at worse a disc problem. You can try the parisi speed school DVD form elitefts or do kinda what I do
walking lunges (big step)
Under the bar side walk
side lunge
high knees walking
butt kicks walking
high knees with kick
leg swings side to side
leg swings forward
karate kick to side
step over bench forward
step ove rbench sideways
leg swings over chair (front)
leg swings over chair (side)
this really loosens up the hip and get you ready to lift
ART would help as well [/quote]
Well in terms of my condition I can only the ortho’s diagnosis was right. I think he’d notice if it was a disc problem (I hope). I guess I’ll find out if the physical therapy doesnt help.
For those mobility exercises, how many sets/reps would I do? How soon do I have to do it before working out? what are butt kicks. and last, do these help with flexibility?
Thanks for the help!
[quote]will-of-iron wrote:
I’ve had a similar experience with doctors. Two osteos I’ve seen basically said that weightlifting is dangerous and that, even injury-free, I “shouldn’t lift heavy” so… I binned them.
Find yourself a sports injury specilaist (preferably powerlifting orientated) and go and see him/her. I found one recently and it was a breath of fresh air. He said “how do you train?”. I said “like a powerlifter”. He said “Great. Have you read everything by Louie Simmons, Dave tate, Chad Waterbury, Christian Thibaudeau, etc etc?” I knew I’d found the right physical therapist at last.
Good luck. [/quote]
Yeah, I don’t really plan to follow the ortho’s advice. I don’t see how I can powerlift while squatting with a straight back and benching with my feet on the bench lol.
but you got damn lucky man. Im not gunna find anyone like that around here. I have yet to meet anyone, either at home or up at school, that is into powerlifting or strength training. But who knows, maybe ill get lucky with my physical therapist :). Thanks!
[quote]beefcakemdphd wrote:
Do you have any pain that radiates down the back of your leg? Does it hurt to try and touch your toes? Is the pain only confined to your lower back? Do you have any numbness?
beef [/quote]
No pain that radiates down my leg, nor does it hurt to touch my toes (the ortho asked me both these questions btw). It’s almost exclusively at my lower back. No numbness at my lower back. I’ve noticed in the past few days I’ve felt it a bit higher up my back than usual, im not sure if id describe it as numbness.
I generally am always feeling it now. It’ll hurt when I initially sit down, when I “thrust” to slide my chair in, to run. extending my leg to the side hurts more than extending it to the front or back. uh swinging a ping pong paddle fast hurts (duh). None of this is extreme pain, more like just an “Ow”.
Thanks for your help beefcake!