I’ve recently started deadlifting again, after a hiatus from the weightroom while I was training for a marathon.
I’m finding that I’m aching quite a lot in the lower back area the day after deadlifting. I’ve read all the stock articles on correct form for deadlifts that have been on here before and I’m pretty sure I’ve got the concept of how to perform the lift correctly. This didn’t happen to me before the marathon.
Can anyone suggest what I should be looking for in the mirror as I lift to ensure that I’m not putting too much pressure on my lower back? I think my form looks pretty good as I’m doing the lift, but maybe I’m missing something.
I appreciate that it’s hard to give me advice without seeing a video of me lifting, but if anyone has experienced this before and has solved the problem for themselves, then any tips would be useful.
I get it quit often when i stop deadlifting for a while and come back into it. My back will be sore for weeks, not sure why. I also was a long distance runner, dont know if that has anything to do with it ={
For hip mobility, Cressey and Robertson have volumes on this, and I sure as hell can’t trump their ability to describe what needs to be done.
An oldie but very thorough is Ian Kings Sport Specific Stretching. If you can find it, it’s a great resource. I’ve never seen it sold anywhere though. Had to borrow a copy from a friend.
For the abs- Heavily weighted sit ups, and weighted pulldowns(deep crunch) from and overhead pulley.
I think I have the same issue, or at least a similar one. For me it seems to come from my glutes not pulling their weight in the lift and my core not stabilizing enough - and the crap hip mobility. I find I am very tight in the low back after any kind of deadlift or squatting.
I am working on glute activation using tips from the ‘get your butt into gear’ article. Also doing some plate loaded front squats to help activate my core when doing lower body compounds and stretching my hip flexors lots.
I also started doing some yoga and pilates which seems to be doing some good for flexibility and core stability (and not a swiss ball in sight). Thought I would feel like a pansy being the only guy in a room full of lycra clad college girls. Then realised I was the only guy in a room full of lycra clad college girls (WOO HOO).