hello everyone im new to this site and im sure this post is in the wrong place but this seemed to be the site to have my question answered.
so im 22 and have been lifting for about a year and a half. i just had some blood tests done due to a work related issue and i asked my doc to check out my t levels. so a few days later she gets the results in and my test level is 138?
ive been reading and that is really low for a person my age. i have no clue how it ever got that low but i guess it would explain y i had no drive to do anything, especially working out.
but my doc said she would be able to prescribe Androgel, something called testim, bio identical hormore or if i wanted to go the injection route i would have to go to the urologist. anyone have any recommendation on what i should do.
First, Id check my diet to make sure I was eating enough cholesterol and fatty acids to promote optimal hormone production. Then, if your T is still low, you could try something like androgel, Tribulus Terrestris or Alpha Male (the latter two are Biotest supplements that promote natural T production via elevated LH, both available on the Online Store in this site with info and reviews). Finally, if nothing works you could consider HRT.
You should move this thread into “Over 35”. There are a few people over there who deal with hormonal issues and nutritional deficiencies daily. I will vouch for “Hardasnails” as I’ve been to his office and dealt with him and the M.D. at the practice. KSMan is very knowledegable and some others.
Very knowledgeable. There are a few blood tests that should be run before you go on any Testosterone therapy. You could save yourself a lifetime of therapy.
well i just had my test level checked again last week because my prior test was like a month ago. but now my level is down to 125…ya i feel like crap but i have an appt. to the urologist next thursday and hopefully he’ll be able to help me boost my level up again.
Please post lab ranges and units - you can edit those into your posts above.
Any blows to the head or whiplash in the time frame where this might have started?
Any illnesses in that time frame where your testes ached?
What has happened to the size of your testes and firmness?
Are you very tall with low amounts or no body hair?
Any changes to your chest - gyno?
Did you or are you taking and drugs for hair loss?
Any changes to your peripheral vision or other visual field disturbances?
If you do not want to discuss some of the above here you can PM me.
Some drugs can do severe things to hormone levels… but not that deep.
If you have never taken anabolic steroids that is way to low. I would get a Cat scan or MRI of your Sella turcica (i.e your pituitary gland) to rule out a tumor.
well i went to the urologist and my labwork wasnt good enough i guess. he wants another blood test and i have an appointment in 2 weeks cuz he comes to this office every two weeks. ya it sucks but i just said screw it and i had my doc prescribe me androgel. everyone said it was sooo expensive, i pay only $15 and the pharmacy gave me a card for the androgel and it takes $20 off every refill for 6 times. so that eliminates the copay.but neways im goin to get some more blood work done in 2 months to see where im at. and ive been on it 2 days and idk if its workin or what but i had mornin wood this mornin and i havent had that in a long time…but ill keep everyone posted…
I get reimbursed at 90 percent after a 500 deductible with my meds. So I was paying 240 every 3 weeks for androgel. Now I get the depo test shots at $22/month… I don’t like the blackbox warning androgel got last month about the transfer to other people with skin contact…I have 2 boys 1 and 5 yrs old and didn’t want to risk screwing them up
Glad to hear you got on shots as they never rub off to the wife or kids :)…
Keep an eye on your E2 level or you will start feeling like crap again due to the increased Estrogen that follows T injections.
On your next doctor visit ask to have your E2 checked, and make sure the “Extra Sensitive” test for males is used. Until you hit the six month mark with your shots, I would get my E2 checked every other month if possible.
That way you have a way to see what your body is doing in real time. There is nothing worse than feeling great for a while then waking up one morning and not wanting to get out of bed.