Low T-Levels, What Doc to Visit?

Ok, guys I had my blood work done last January because I was feeling tried all the time, and low libido. After the test the doc said I was fine and needed to eat better…“mind you I’m not over weight at all and am only 24”.

So, I went on my way not knowing any better, until I started reading Hormone replacement therapy on this board. I finally decided to do something about my problem this week and asked the doctors office to sent me my blood work results.

It showed my total T-levels at 390. My FSH was at 2.4 and LH was 4.9 From what research I have done these are all very low for my age??? I would like some advice on what kind of doctor to see? Endo? not sure Please help

Yep, endocrinologist. Or you could try one of those “age rejuvenation clinics.”

I can’t stand your grammar. No offense.

Read “Your Doctor, Your Dealer”

should my T-levels be around 800? Will the 390 qualify me for HRT?

Depends on the doc. Trying to find a good one? That’s the hard part.

Finding a good doc shouldn’t matter if I have low T-scores right? He should want to help me.

Also, is there a problem with the insurance covering the cost of treatment?

[quote]raiderUM wrote:
Finding a good doc shouldn’t matter if I have low T-scores right? He should want to help me.

Also, is there a problem with the insurance covering the cost of treatment? [/quote]

Some docs will stay try to keep you off of it. I’d try a age specialist doc (HRT guys)

[quote]raiderUM wrote:
should my T-levels be around 800? Will the 390 qualify me for HRT? [/quote]

Seems low for your age. Most insurance will pay for T if the levels are lower than 260… This however doesn’t mean that an Endo won’t prescribe therapy… just means that insurance may not cover without your Dr. filing for an exception…

There are a number of clinics that “specialize” in TRT or HRT therapy, even some family docs will prescribe therapy… certainly an Endo will consider therapy for low levels… my experiences have been that most Drs. will allow you to inject at home if you are convincing enough. Remember also that if one Dr. doesn’t prescribe, another might at your levels… again they seem borderline… but low for your age… you also should know that just because one set of BW came back low, another might come back more within range… other factors can effect the levels… diet, meds, supps and stress can all temporarily cause low BW levels…

Remember that TRT is for life… you will definately experience benefits, but only for as long as you maintain your therapy. So be sure… again, it’s for life.

Good luck.


Thanks Jet! Is there anyway to bump my bodies own natural T-levels with the use of HCG? or any other compound?

Thanks again!

[quote]Contrl wrote:
Yep, endocrinologist. Or you could try one of those “age rejuvenation clinics.”

I can’t stand your grammar. No offense.[/quote]

You make me laugh Cntrl, but I feel your pain. Some of these posts look like text messages eighth grade girls would send to each other. Did they stop teaching English in school?

[quote]arthursaxon wrote:

You make me laugh Cntrl, but I feel your pain. Some of these posts look like text messages eigth grade girls would send to each other. Did they stop teaching English in school?


No offense, but you’d think that, before hitting the post button when making a post like this, you would have checked your spelling. It is spelled “eighth”.

Oh, you caught me Joey, maybe they should have focused more on proofreading at my school!!

[quote]raiderUM wrote:

It showed my total T-levels at 390. My FSH was at 2.4 and LH was 4.9 From what research I have done these are all very low for my age??? I would like some advice on what kind of doctor to see? Endo? not sure Please help [/quote]

Stop. Think. These labs are now 10 months old. Presuming that you did not have pituitary failure, these levels reflect intact glands functioning at normal levels.
If you had a flu or other viral illness, all the levels could have been suppressed.

Re-test the labs, especially if you are missing your morning wood; 5 x per week is about normal for a 24 year old.

HCG will release LH and possibly increase your T levels if, yes, if you can get a doctor to prescribe. If you are thinking about going on HRT (forever, remember) and you want to make sure you fail the test ( to get HRT ) there are other posts regarding that and licorice root is supposed to help lower your T levels too. You’re 24 and a long way from becoming a senior citizen (I’m 47 on HRT ) the shots aren’t that bad, and better if you do your own.

You may get a good doctor like I did and get T shots prescribed helped along with HCG, and Arimidex. It did take six months to get a consult though… The wait was worth it! (I have crappy insurance)
Search “Andro Wars” for proven methods to raise your T levels without steroids.
Good luck!

[quote]DrSkeptix wrote:
raiderUM wrote:

Stop. Think. These labs are now 10 months old. Presuming that you did not have pituitary failure, these levels reflect intact glands functioning at normal levels.
If you had a flu or other viral illness, all the levels could have been suppressed.

Re-test the labs, especially if you are missing your morning wood; 5 x per week is about normal for a 24 year old.

Morning wood? Ha, I can’t even remember the last time I had that. Sounds a little weird I know, but thats my current situation. Sucks to be me I guess.

Spoke with the family doc today. He wants to send me to a urologists. I have no clue what to do…I asked why not a Endo? why a urologists? They have to call me back tommorrow. Should I stick to my guns and say I need a endo? or go with what he says and see the urologist?

Sounds like my Dr.

Sent me to a sleep clinic, at least Dr is closer to the mark.

Good luck


I don’t want to spend a lot of money at the Urologist for him to tell me I need to see an Endo. We’ll see how this plays out.

I waited three months for an appointment with a doctor at a “metabolic center”. I went yesterday, with blood lab that showed 244 T level (33 y/o), and complained of declined libido, fatigue, weakness, weight gain, and in a nutshell, “I feel 10 years older than I really am, and my wife’s becoming aggravated at my lack of interest”.

 I walked out with a prescription for 200cc testosterone, three refils to remain.  I guess the high school debate team finally paid off.  My problems were truths, but I think the normal person could lie and pull off the same results.

I went to the Urologist today to see what my problem is. He suggested we test my T, FSH, and LH levels again to see where we’re at. Hopefully, I can get back on track soon without spending a ton of money on this. He didn’t even know what the normal range of FSH was or LH. Although, he did say if my scores come back low this time, he would have no problem putting me on some Test, or even sending me to a Endo. We’ll see