I will start off by saying some information about me. I am a 20 year old male, 5’9 140 lbs sitting around 12% body fat. I have been lifting for 4 years and have had eating disorders for 2.5-3 years of my training. I used to binge and purge for around 2 years.
Although I haven’t thrown up in many months (can’t remember the last time I’ve done it), I do still binge multiple times a week. It is an everyday struggle for me that I always fail to overcome.
After some binges, I will fast the next day in order to help “fix” the mistake, but just end up binging again either the day after or 2 days after. I suffered an injury to my scapula that really just threw off the entirety of my lifting, I believe I got this injury from the action of purging (if you can imagine it, over the toilet, etc.)
I always try to tell myself that I want to get to a certain level of leanness so I can do a very long lean bulk (1.5-2lb/month), but always end up binging during my diet and spin my wheels. If you were wondering why I am still 140lbs after 4 years of “lifting”, my eating disorder as well as injury are the reason why.
On to the hormonal concerns. I had my blood work done about 1.5 years ago and received a TSH 4.14 (0.5-5.6). This was just a general blood work because I have been experiencing hypothyroid and low testosterone issues (very low libido, 60% erection, no morning wood, gaining weight on 1500-1600 calories, bowel movements 2-3 times every 10 days, depression, inability to concentrate, cold when others say weather is “just right”).
I don’t have the blood work from that blood test available anymore, but I have recently just received my blood work that I got from my endocrinologist (who said none of my issues had concerned him and he didn’t want to prescribe me thyroid medication because my TSH wasn’t above 10 and he wanted to avoid a lawsuit). I will post everything that I had received in this blood work and hopefully I can get some guidance and how it is looking.
ACTH: 2.1 (<10)
FBS: 4.2 (3.3-6.0) [NMOL/L]
NA: 139 (135-146) [NMOL/L]
K: 4.2 (3.5-5.2) [NMOL/L]
ALBUMIN: 48 (35-50) [G/L]
TSH: 1.75 (0.30-5.60) [MIU/L]
FREE T4: 13.7 (7.2-21.8) [PMOL/L]
FREE T3: 3.9 (2.9-6.0) [PMOL/L]
CORTISOL AM: 198 (185-624) [NMOL/L]
LH: 1.7 (1.2-8.6) [IU/L]
FSH: 1.8 {1.3-19.3) [IU/L]
TESTOSTERONE: 10 (5.0-27.0) [NMOL/L]
PROLACTIN: 6.3 (2.6-13.1) [UG/L]
I was really confused when my TSH had come back far lower than my previous blood test because I am experiencing all the exact same issues. For the THYROGLOBULIN ANTIBODIES and MICROSOMAL AB., they had no reference range and only said “negative”, which I don’t know what that means unfortunately. I know that the measure of testosterone in NMOL/L is uncommon, but I don’t know how to convert the number over to NG/DL. LH, FSH and testosterone are all low, no surprise for me there because of what I am already experiencing. I would really appreciate some guidance and what route to take, and why my TSH has come back much lower than the previous time even though all the same issues. If there is anything I have missed out that would help you, help me please let me know. Thanks.
-age - 20
-height - 5foot9
-waist - 30 inches
-weight - 140 lbs
-describe body and facial hair - hairy legs, little hair on arms and shoulders, very little facial hair (can go without shaving for 3-4 weeks)
-describe where you carry fat and how changed - carry a huge amount of fat in glutes/hamstrings and calves, everywhere else seems normal
-health conditions, symptoms [history] - no conditions
-Rx and OTC drugs, any hair loss drugs or prostate drugs ever
-describe diet [some create substantial damage with starvation diets] - Diet is around 1500 cals/day with 130g protein minimum. Don’t track other macros because I am always getting a good amount of fat and carbs stay average
-describe training [some ruin there hormones by over training] - I train at least 3 times a week, 70 mins/session on average
-testes ache, ever, with a fever? - I seldom get a really strong pain in my left testicle (only left) that will be so bad I have to stand for the duration until it passes, usually lasts less than 5 minutes. . It feels like getting hit hard right on the nut.
-how have morning wood and nocturnal erections changed - No morning wood and I don’t know about nocturnal erections.