Hey guys
I was hoping someone could offer me some helpful advice. So something I’ve been struggling with for sometime now is obsessive behaviours around eating and body weight. This has caused me to restrict calories for a few years now. Although every now and again I will have a day or two day long binges where I eat crappy food all day and then severely restrict eating again to try and lose the weight that I gained. I’m 6’4 and about 205-210 lbs and I’d say on average I probably eat around 2000-2500 calories a day.
I think all this is starting to catch up with me. I feel like I may have slowed down my metabolism/thyroid as it has become extremely difficult to lose weight and my digestion seems very slow these days. Anyways I’m going to be seeing my doctor to get some blood tests done and was wondering on what labs I should ask for? Any other helpful advice around all this would be much appreciated as well. Thank you.