I went in for some blood work to test for mono and decided that seeing as how I had a needle in my arm already, I wanted some blood drawn and my T levels checked. Ive had a suspicion that they are low because I seem to have all the symptoms. The blood was taken around 12noon. I had a result of 121ng/dl. The normal range is from 300-1200. Now im familiar with all the factors that contribute to T-levels so spare me all the talk of taking vitamins/etc. I lift weights occasionally but not at a gym or seriously. Im writing this on this fourm because im looking for input from steroid users who are familiar with a increase of Testosterone in the body. Using androgel wont be as extreme a increase in T as steroids but because my body is used to low T I think it will have a big effect.
From what I can tell I should cycle Androgel and use a anti estrogen (Amidex) in the middle of my cycle. Take a few weeks off to allow my boys to produce their own T so they donâ??t forget how, and then go back on androgel. Trying to avoid bitch tits, shrunken testicles, infertility, the list goes on…Just trying to find the safest way to take this drug, i know that any kind of Hormone replacement therpy is serious business. That sound good?? thanks guys.