Sometimes (about 50/50), I get low blood sugar about 1-2 hours after my pwo drink (1 serving of Surge).
Is this normal and what does it point to as far as my insulin resistance, if anything?
Should I take another serving of Surge then or something a little more substantial and what should it be as far as carb/fat/protein intake?
Thanks for any help.
After your Surge it is generally accepted that you should eat another protein+carb solid food meal between an hour and 1.5 hours later. That is, if you dietary restrictions allow you those carbs. If you are on low carb except for Surge, just get a solid meal in about 1.5 hours later.
Dont take another serving of Surge, you don’t need all that sugar.
I’d go with something complex, sweet potatoes, quinoa, ezekiel bread etc.
[quote]GetSwole wrote:
I’d go with something complex, sweet potatoes, quinoa, ezekiel bread etc.[/quote]
I personally try to get a solid meal like GetSwole described, but no more than 45 minutes after Surge. (I do have a history of hypoglycemia.) Basically, a slow-digesting long-lasting big meal with carbs.
Good call, my meal falls any where from 1-1.5 hours but the sooner the better. The closer to you workout you use carbs, the more effective they will be for muscle building.
When I’ve done low carb w/ only Surge, I’ll first add carbs to my post-Surge solid meal before breakfast carbs. I do absolutely believe carbs within the 2 hours after a good taxing workout are the most beneficial. Particularly if you are taking creatine/aminos etc as the insulin will improve the uptake of these nutrients as well.
[quote]GetSwole wrote:
Good call, my meal falls any where from 1-1.5 hours but the sooner the better. The closer to you workout you use carbs, the more effective they will be for muscle building.
When I’ve done low carb w/ only Surge, I’ll first add carbs to my post-Surge solid meal before breakfast carbs. I do absolutely believe carbs within the 2 hours after a good taxing workout are the most beneficial. Particularly if you are taking creatine/aminos etc as the insulin will improve the uptake of these nutrients as well.[/quote]
Again thanks for the good info. I have been following the mantra of food every 2-3 hours for a long time so having food again so close to a serving of Surge was something I was trying to avoid. I do take BCAA’s but avoid creatine as it seriously makes me bloat quite a lot. I may revisit that though if I reach a plateau that I can’t break.
Creatine MONOHYDRTATE should help with your bloating.