Low Bar vs High Bar for Squats

[quote]Kooopa wrote:

[quote]VTBalla34 wrote:

[quote]Kooopa wrote:
…but the fact that more muscle is involved in low bar remains the same…[/quote]

I’ll just point out that this is where you go off track in your line of thinking…you are confusing MUSCLE with MOVEMENT…the “most muscle” is not always the strongest “movement”…otherwise the IFBB pros would also be the strongest powerlifters…they’re not


again, your comparison is complete shit. of course it does mean that. the more muscles work, the stronger the movement. thats why people can move more weight with deadlifts than with tricep extensions (which is by the way the more adequate comparison than comparing exercises to athletes).[/quote]

Of course, I always wondered why people could perform turkish get ups with more weight than they can deadlift, it’s because it uses almost every muscle in the body… Or perhaps this isn’t the case at all and activating more muscle groups doesn’t always result in greater poundage moved (people sure can shrug a lot but that doesn’t use anywhere near as many muscles as a deadlift).

Maybe, just MAYBE some peoples leverages have developed in such a way that a high bar position allows their glutes, quads, hip flexors, etc to work better than in a low bar position even if there is less ham string activation.

[quote]Kooopa wrote:

[quote]Don’t be a doofus…it depends on your body type and natural leverages…if you are built for high bar squatting, it is rather stupid to go low bar because others have had success with it…

Also, pull the tampon string out and dispose of in a sanitary manner…greystroke was just making a comment, not bashin your religion.

thats just about the stupidest thing ive ever heard. when you squat low, you use your hamstrings & hips a whole lot more than when you squat high. THATS your natural leverages right there. please explain to me how using less muscle will result in moving more weight.

that depending on your body type shit is just a weak argument made for points that cant be backed up with evidence. so please, juice less and educate yourself a little more :)[/quote]

Kirk Karwoski Squats 1,000x2 - YouTube :slight_smile:

Wtf is Low bar vs high bar. The difference is only a few inches.

Back squatting hurting people’s shoulders\wrists…? I dont get it.

“Spreading the floor” makes no sense. I press the floor apart i just feel my abductors work. “Show the crotch” or “Open the knees” makes a hell of alot more sense, you get strong adductor action, and lift weights you would have otherwise failed.

[quote]Kooopa wrote:

so i must squat 1000lbs to understand biomechanics? being strong and understanding what youre talking about dont go hand in hand and youre not the worst example to prove that


Plenty of people with theories and can regurgitate what the experts say, but if you can’t implement it yourself, you are a fucking chump.

If you have not spent any time under the bar learning what works best for you, then you shouldn’t be on a fucking Powerlifting forum masquerading as an expert. I don’t give a shit if you did spend the night at Holiday Inn Express last night.

I’m not making this shit up to make myself look like an expert. I have played around with various bar positions, paid my dues under the bar, and through trial and error have concluded that high bar squats are better suited for my body type and leverages. Why is this hard for you to comprehend?

The low bar vs. high bar thing has apparently become Scientological (yeah, I made that up) in some circles. Prove my statements wrong, using the most muscle/the most weight is always “better”, you’re a pussy, are the flagship arguments. You guys will never make a dent against this school of “thought” so don’t even bother.

Google the lbbs vs. hbbs thing if you have hours to kill, and would like to read about how “my dad can beat up your dad”, etc…

[quote]Kooopa wrote:
the more muscles work, the stronger the movement. thats why people can move more weight with deadlifts than with tricep extensions (which is by the way the more adequate comparison than comparing exercises to athletes).
so i must squat 1000lbs to understand biomechanics? being strong and understanding what youre talking about dont go hand in hand and youre not the worst example to prove that


This point is not always accurate. One can usually squat more in the low bar position because you are reducing the moment arm of the resistance force by moving the weight closer to the fulcrum, it doesn’t necessary use more muscles. A good example is bending the elbow during a lateral raise, you can lift significantly more weight but the muscles recruited are the same.

[quote]Kooopa wrote:
the more muscles work, the stronger the movement. thats why people can move more weight with deadlifts than with tricep extensions (which is by the way the more adequate comparison than comparing exercises to athletes).
so i must squat 1000lbs to understand biomechanics? being strong and understanding what youre talking about dont go hand in hand and youre not the worst example to prove that


This point is not always accurate. One can usually squat more in the low bar position because you are reducing the moment arm of the resistance force by moving the weight closer to the fulcrum, it doesn’t necessary use more muscles. A good example is bending the elbow during a lateral raise, you can lift significantly more weight but the muscles recruited are the same.

[quote]animus wrote:
That is a good article.

I’ve noticed, personally, that I can’t perform very well with a super low bar. This may have to do with limited shoulder mobility, but also I think my leg length affects it. I have a 28" inseam and a fairly long torso (relatively speaking). Performing a low bar squat for me involves bending forward to a pretty significant degree to keep the bar over my knees (pretty similar to those “squat morning” exercises) and actually limits my hip drive (and balance).

The hybrid position works best for me to have the same orientation as most low-bar squatters. I’d be curious to see what other people with varying leg lengths have found.[/quote]

I’m in almost the same situation. 6’3" with a sub 32" inseam. Low-barred for years with decent progress, but after moving to high-bar while simultaneously widening my stance, my squat has never felt stronger, and more stable. I also get more glute and hamstring recruitment than I ever did with low bar.

As many have said it has to do with your leverages among other factors, but my hybrid stance is modeled off of Henry Thomason and Mike Mastrean somewhat.

Lol this guy just cracks me up with how easy and strong he is on the squats. Then he dunks the 500+ pound bar over his head and slams it on the floor like kommander kobraBoss .

[quote]KRC wrote:
I’m in almost the same situation. 6’3" with a sub 32" inseam. Low-barred for years with decent progress, but after moving to high-bar while simultaneously widening my stance, my squat has never felt stronger, and more stable. I also get more glute and hamstring recruitment than I ever did with low bar.

As many have said it has to do with your leverages among other factors, but my hybrid stance is modeled off of Henry Thomason and Mike Mastrean somewhat. [/quote]

I figure “normal” leverages work well with low-bar because that normally involves the legs being longer than the torso. My torso and legs are basically the same length (torso is slightly longer), which results in very awkward leverages for low bar. I agree… people in our predicament seem to recruit glute/ham significantly more with hybrid bar positions and wide stances.

I’m doing some experimenting with sumo pulling to see if it’s better for the longer torso length/short legs/short arms situationa s well.

[quote]Kooopa wrote:

[quote]VTBalla34 wrote:

[quote]Kooopa wrote:
…but the fact that more muscle is involved in low bar remains the same…[/quote]

I’ll just point out that this is where you go off track in your line of thinking…you are confusing MUSCLE with MOVEMENT…the “most muscle” is not always the strongest “movement”…otherwise the IFBB pros would also be the strongest powerlifters…they’re not


again, your comparison is complete shit. of course it does mean that. the more muscles work, the stronger the movement. thats why people can move more weight with deadlifts than with tricep extensions (which is by the way the more adequate comparison than comparing exercises to athletes).
so i must squat 1000lbs to understand biomechanics? being strong and understanding what youre talking about dont go hand in hand and youre not the worst example to prove that

@OP: like i give a fuck about you telling me to gtfo. in fact, its the only reason this post was actually made. umad?[/quote]

So, no video then?

Anyone have name or videos of PLers with good technical form who squat high-bar?

[quote]Fletch1986 wrote:
Anyone have name or videos of PLers with good technical form who squat high-bar?[/quote]

Karl yngvar christensen , nuff said.

It would change the emphasis on which muscle groups are worked and the movement patterns of your body’s kinetic chain.

[quote]Fletch1986 wrote:
Anyone have name or videos of PLers with good technical form who squat high-bar?[/quote]

Some of Stan Efferding’s videos show him squatting with high bar…I think the ones with Eric Lilebridge. Not sure though beacuse I know he was low bar when he totaled whatever ridiculous amount he did in PL’ing a few years back.

Animus squats 385. - YouTube ← Me. It’s only 380lbs at 160BW, and I’m not touting to have amazing squat form, but I can argue that you can definitely tell I maintain a strong hip drive even with the higher bar position.