For the past 3 weeks, my lower back/pelvic area has been very tight! I noticed it about 3 weeks ago on a de-load week when squatting. It’s progressively gotten tighter and more painful each day. I have trouble bending forward because it’s so tight. In efforts to relieve my pain, I have tried stretching everything (glutes, hamstrings, quads, hips), foam rolling everything, and strengthening exercises.
The two things that I noticed immediate relief from was when I did some lacrosse ball rolling on my glutes and glute briges with a barbell. After I did these the first time, I noticed immediate relief and it felt like I never even had back pain at all. However, the tightness and pain would come back and when I try to do the same things, they don’t give me relief anymore.
I don’t know what to do. On a side note, I got in a car accident about 10 months ago. Since then, I do know that my left hip is slightly higher than my right and my left psoas is also tight. My right side seems to be weaker than my left. A massage therapist has stated this as well. Finally, when I look in the mirror at a side view, it does seem like I have a slight anterior pelvic tilt. I’m just not sure what to do and it’s very depressing.
Does anyone have any sort of ideas or anything? I just feel stuck.