Love Training, Love Drinking

[quote]pushmepullme wrote:
alocubano1110 wrote:
With body building drink a 6 pack while on the way to the gym.

If you were powerlifting maybe in between sets

You need to be more specific. What kind of beer can I have between sets? And is it a full six pack between each set?

I love T-Nation, I learn so much.[/quote]

defo a full six pack, and defo between sets.

maybe shot gun a can between each rep of deads?

[quote]pushmepullme wrote:
alocubano1110 wrote:
With body building drink a 6 pack while on the way to the gym.

If you were powerlifting maybe in between sets

You need to be more specific. What kind of beer can I have between sets? And is it a full six pack between each set?

I love T-Nation, I learn so much.[/quote]

you want to use Guiness or some other dark beer if doing ME work but if youre doing speed/rep work then youll want to do jagerbombs.

I drink a tall boy once or twice a week after training just to help mellow me the fuck out.

Being young helps, Alcohol probably won’t set you back as much as if you were 30.

as long as you drink the right stuff, you’re good to go.


All it really comes down to is that alcohol is empty calories that gets turned into fat.

It also increases estrogen to an extent (Probably by increasing aromatase, but possibly by making aromatase more effective at what it does). I think this is why some guys go limp if they drink way too much.

Alcohol is also catabolic by itself.

Can you make gains if you drink, Yes. Can gains be maximized. NO CHANCE.

I’d say its better to pick a night or two a month an get completely hammered the night before an off day than the to have a few drinks every night or two.

Weigh out what’s more important
Getting drunk in order to have fun or making the most progress possible.

[quote]LiveFromThe781 wrote:
FormerlyTexasGuy wrote:
I have no idea. I spent 5.5 years in college and was a heavy drinker.

I stayed in good shape and grew bigger and stronger during college.

Maybe If I hadn’t had so much beer, whiskey and unknown coctails I would be even stronger and bigger now, and I probably would have finished closer to four years than six.

But I wouldn’t take many of those nights back for anything.

The downtime days with nothing to do but pop a top and get shit canned maybe.

But the parties where events seemed to be stranger than fiction at times and some of the hilarious scenarios alcohol (and weed, and occasionally coke) put my buddies and I in, classic. Well worth it.

word. i dont think you should obsess over bodybuilding to the point where you lose out on fun, alcohol-induced memories. [/quote]
Yep, if I had a desire to go pro, I would re-assess a shit load of things but I don’t.

I like getting stronger and being in great shape. I do like the attention my muscles get too, I won’t lie.

But, I can get stronger, be in shape and have attention grabbing muscles while enjoying life.

When I see people who have no chance to go pro or any desire to do so, but attempt to make the same sacrifices, I have to laugh. Fucking clowns.

OP, if you are in college, lifting because you enjoy and to impress the ladies, you will be fine binge drinking. Just don’t start skipping gym days. Or class. I would change that. I once had a professor fail me because I only showed up for tests. I made a B considering grades but failed because of an attendance policy I didn’t attend class to receive. Fucking bullshit.

Enjoy college for the really long party it is.

[quote]tootles27 wrote:
I argee with TG. Most of the scenarios I saw were crazy and worth it. Now is a different story that I’m getting older, I definitely need to cut down. I’m not missing anything out there anyways.

Everybody is different and it’s hard to say what works. You either love training more or drinking more.[/quote]


Sometimes I entertain clients and attend cocktail networking events these days.

I’ve only been out of college for a year and the first few months took some adjusting.

But i remember one networking party in particular where I was faced with an interesting situation.

Not only did I have my clients there, but I had vendors as well. So, my vendors were buying me drinks, while I in turn was attempting to bribe my clients with drinks as well.

This means I was drinking double. I guess I could have turned down my vendor drinks but fuck that! It wound up being an interesting night.

I booty danced with lots of middle aged women, the conversations apparently turned to sex (though I was told it wasn’t my fault) and I was coerced in to singing ridiculous Karaoke songs by a client. And then bumped and ground (grinded?) with her.

I don’t remember much of this. Fortunately, they don’t either or thought it was fun. The party in general was wilder than normal so my behavior wasn’t actually too far out of line.

I do have to watch it though. I’d hate to pull a Frank the Tank.

[quote]thosebananas wrote:
pushmepullme wrote:
alocubano1110 wrote:
With body building drink a 6 pack while on the way to the gym.

If you were powerlifting maybe in between sets

You need to be more specific. What kind of beer can I have between sets? And is it a full six pack between each set?

I love T-Nation, I learn so much.

maybe shot gun a can between each rep of deads?
